I used to be able to use three finger scroll-up to switch between source/header. Since upgrading to Lion, I it just does a regular scroll. Is there any way to get that fea
This stopped working for me in MacOS Big Sur and the plist changes recommended here didn't fix it for me.
What finally fixed it for me was to go to
System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures
and change the setting for "Swipe between pages" to "Swipe with two or three fingers". I suspect setting it to "Swipe with three fingers" would also work.
This is the correct and best answer. It works. It is posted by "@Buyin" above. Another individual commented that it doesn't work. He is wrong. It works, I've confirmed it. It restores the three finger vertical swipe to switch between interface and implementation files (.h and .m) in xCode in Lion.
From your terminal:
Change to appropriate directory (note, if your Library dir is hidden, in the terminal just type the following: chflags nohidden ~/Library )
1. cd /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Preferences/ByHost
List files so you can see the .GlobalPreferences.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.plist
2. ls -lah
Open that plist file in xcode
3. open -a /Applications/Xcode.app ".GlobalPreferences.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.plist"
Set value to 1 for the key "com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerVertSwipeGesture"
Save the plist file
Log out and back into machine
This worked for me in Mountain Lion, XCode 4.6: a busy cat http://monosnap.com/image/iakMgffAeOtp9G04qLdsnb3v5
I think the reason Apple removed the h/m 3-finger swipe is because they expect you to use the "Assistant" editor, which displays the h and m files together, side by side. This works, sort of, on a wide screen, although it is an inefficient use of space. But when you're on the road with a MacBookAir, it's a major handicap. Xcode4 feels like a straitjacket.