Whenever I start up Eclipse Juno, it gives me an error saying:
An error had occured. Please see the log file:
C:\\Program Files\\eclipse\\
Solved :
After trying everything else, this solves my issue.
deleting snap in YOUR_WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap fixed the problem and allowed me to access my workspace again without it crashing before it even opened.
Delete the .metadata folder from workspace and start the eclipse and now again import all project in same workspace, this worked for me.
I deleted the entire .metadata
folder, and it worked for me.
For me the problem was that I installed Java sdk 1.9 before installing eclipse. deleting it and installing Java sdk 1.8 instead fixed it. Also, if you are using mac, try
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
and then
your should get something like
The issue is due to the availability of more than one eclipse versions. I tried removing both installations and started with a clean install and it worked. Also, make sure after the install point to a new workspace.