Whenever I start up Eclipse Juno, it gives me an error saying:
An error had occured. Please see the log file:
C:\\Program Files\\eclipse\\
Try deleting following file from workspace.
Or try launching it from console.
C:\path\to\eclipse\eclipse -clean
My OS architecture is 64-bit so downloaded Eclipse Oxygen 64-bit version and got this error. Tried various solutions posted here but didn't help. Then downloaded Eclipse Oxygen 32-bit version and it works well.
In my mac machine, I checked whether I installed two java versions or not. I got this error. Because i installed two java at a time.
User -> Library -> Java -> JavaVirtualMachines -> version 1.8.0 and version 11.0.1 has been installed.
I removed version 11.0.1. Now its working fine.
For me it was down to a locking/permissions bug on
(path to Eclipse IDE)\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi.manager.fileTableLock
See here
Spring Tool Suite 4 (64 bit for Windows Server 2016)
Version: 4.2.2.RELEASE Build Id: 201905232009
based on Eclipse
Version: 2.2.500.v20190307-0500 Build id: I20190307-0500
wouldn't launch and a pop up dialog appeared saying:
launch error has occurred see log file null
(This became apparent from the latest text log file in the folder (path to Eclipse IDE)\configuration)
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0
2019-06-19 18:41:10.408
!MESSAGE Error reading configuration: C:\opt\sts-4.2.2.RELEASE\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\.manager\.fileTableLock (Access is denied)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\opt\sts-4.2.2.RELEASE\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\.manager\.fileTableLock (Access is denied)
I had to go and tweak the permissions via File Explorer (Full access).
It appeared as if the IDE was doing nothing for a while.
The splash screen for Spring Tool Suite (based on Eclipse) eventually disappeared and the IDE started up again.
Now everything is back working correctly again.
In my case, error was due to Java 14 , which is not an LTS, downgraded it to java 8 and it worked.
The best way is to delete all the *.snap
files from /.metadata/.plugins/