Defining categories for protocols in Objective-C?

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走了就别回头了 2020-12-02 10:39

In Objective-C, I can add methods to existing classes with a category, e.g.

@interface NSString (MyCategory)
- (BOOL) startsWith: (NSString*) prefix;

  • 2020-12-02 11:02

    if you're already writing a category, why not just add in the protocol definition in the header right after the category definition?


    @interface NSString (MyCategory)
    - (BOOL) startsWith: (NSString*) prefix;
    @protocol MyExtendedProtocolName <NSString>
    //Method declarations go here

    this way any class that imports the category header will also get the protocol definition, and you can add it into your class..

    @interface MyClass <OriginalProtocol,MyExtendedProtocolName>

    also, be careful when subclassing NSString, it's a cluster and you may not always get the behaviour you're expecting.

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  • 2020-12-02 11:04

    Adam Sharp posted a solution that worked for me.

    It involves 3 steps:

    1. Defining the methods you want to add as @optional on a protocol.
    2. Making the objects you want to extend conform to that protocol.
    3. Copying those methods into those objects at runtime.

    Check out the link for the full details.

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  • 2020-12-02 11:05

    It isn't really meaningful to do so since a protocol can't actually implement the method. A protocol is a way of declaring that you support some methods. Adding a method to this list outside the protocol means that all "conforming" classes accidentally declare the new method even though they don't implement it. If some class implemented the NSObject protocol but did not descend from NSObject, and then you added a method to the protocol, that would break the class's conformance.

    You can, however, create a new protocol that includes the old one with a declaration like @protocol SpecialObject <NSObject>.

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  • 2020-12-02 11:11

    I think you may be mixing up terms here and there. Extensions, Categories, Protocols, Interfaces and Classes are all different things in Objective-C. In The Objective-C 2.0 Language Apple describes the differences very well, including the benefits and drawbacks to using categories and extensions.

    If you think about it, what is a "Category" or "Extension" in the conceptual sense? It's a way of adding functionality to a Class. In Objective-C, protocols are designed to have no implementation. Therefore, how would you add or extend the implementation of something that doesn't have implementation to begin with?

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  • 2020-12-02 11:14

    While it's true that you can't define categories for protocols (and wouldn't want to, because you don't know anything about the existing object), you can define categories in such a way that the code only applies to an object of the given type that has the desired protocol (sort of like C++'s partial template specialization).

    The main use for something like this is when you wish to define a category that depends on a customized version of a class. (Imagine that I have UIViewController subclasses that conform to the Foo protocol, meaning they have the foo property, my category code may have need of the foo property, but I can't apply it to the Foo protocol, and if I simply apply it to UIViewController, the code won't compile by default, and forcing it to compile means someone doing introspection, or just screwing up, might call your code which depends on the protocol. A hybrid approach could work like this:

    @protocol Foo
    - (void)fooMethod
    @property (retain) NSString *foo;
    @implementation UIViewController (FooCategory)
    - (void)fooMethod {
        if (![self conformsToProtocol:@protocol(Foo)]) {
        UIViewController<Foo> *me = (UIViewController<Foo>*) self;
        // For the rest of the method, use "me" instead of "self"
        NSLog(@"My foo property is \"%@\"",;

    With the hybrid approach, you can write the code only once (per class that is supposed to implement the protocol) and be sure that it won't affect instances of the class that don't conform to the protocol.

    The downside is that property synthesis/definition still has to happen in the individual subclasses.

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  • 2020-12-02 11:17

    extObjC has the NEATEST stuff you can do with Protocols / Categories... first off is @concreteprotocol...

    • Defines a "concrete protocol," which can provide default implementations of methods within protocol.
    • An @protocol block should exist in a header file, and a corresponding @concreteprotocol block in an implementation file.
    • Any object that declares itself to conform to this protocol will receive its method implementations, but only if no method by the same name already exists.


    @protocol MyProtocol 
    @required - (void)someRequiredMethod;
    @optional - (void)someOptionalMethod;
    @concrete - (BOOL)isConcrete;   


     @concreteprotocol(MyProtocol) - (BOOL)isConcrete { return YES; } ...

    so declaring an object MyDumbObject : NSObject <MyProtocol> will automatically return YES to isConcrete.

    Also, they have pcategoryinterface(PROTOCOL,CATEGORY) which "defines the interface for a category named CATEGORY on a protocol PROTOCOL". Protocol categories contain methods that are automatically applied to any class that declares itself to conform to PROTOCOL." There is an accompanying macro you also have to use in your implementation file. See the docs.

    Last, but NOT least / not directly related to @protocols is synthesizeAssociation(CLASS, PROPERTY), which "synthesizes a property for a class using associated objects. This is primarily useful for adding properties to a class within a category. PROPERTY must have been declared with @property in the interface of the specified class (or a category upon it), and must be of object type."

    So many of the tools in this library open (way-up) the things you can do with ObjC... from multiple inheritance... to well, your imagination is the limit.

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