I want to strip double quotes from:
string = \'\"\" \" \" \"\"\\\\1\" \" \"\" \"\"\'
to obtain:
string = \'\" \" \" \"\"\\\
Starting in Python 3.9
, you can use removeprefix and removesuffix:
'"" " " ""\\1" " "" ""'.removeprefix('"').removesuffix('"')
# '" " " ""\\1" " "" "'
If you are sure there is a " at the beginning and at the end, which you want to remove, just do:
string = string[1:len(string)-1]
string = string[1:-1]
Below function will strip the empty spces and return the strings without quotes. If there are no quotes then it will return same string(stripped)
def removeQuote(str):
str = str.strip()
if re.search("^[\'\"].*[\'\"]$",str):
str = str[1:-1]
print("Removed Quotes",str)
print("Same String",str)
return str
Almost done. Quoting from http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=strip#str.strip
The chars argument is a string specifying the set of characters to be removed.
The chars argument is not a prefix or suffix; rather, all combinations of its values are stripped:
So the argument is not a regexp.
>>> string = '"" " " ""\\1" " "" ""'
>>> string.strip('"')
' " " ""\\1" " "" '
Note, that this is not exactly what you requested, because it eats multiple quotes from both end of the string!
I have some code that needs to strip single or double quotes, and I can't simply ast.literal_eval it.
if len(arg) > 1 and arg[0] in ('"\'') and arg[-1] == arg[0]:
arg = arg[1:-1]
This is similar to ToolmakerSteve's answer, but it allows 0 length strings, and doesn't turn the single character "
into an empty string.
Remove a determinated string from start and end from a string.
s = '""Hello World""'
> 'Hello World'