Is there a way to get the amount of free diskspace of a disk or a folder in a CMD without having to install some thirdparty applications?
I have a CMD that copies a
A possible solution:
dir|find "bytes free"
a more "advanced solution", for Windows Xp and beyond:
wmic /node:"%COMPUTERNAME%" LogicalDisk Where DriveType="3" Get DeviceID,FreeSpace|find /I "c:"
The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) tool (Wmic.exe) can gather vast amounts of information about about a Windows Server 2003 as well as Windows XP or Vista. The tool accesses the underlying hardware by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Not for Windows 2000.
As noted by Alexander Stohr in the comments:
' will still do the job),dir
' is locale dependent.Using this command you can find all partitions, size & free space: wmic logicaldisk get size, freespace, caption
You can avoid the commas by using /-C on the DIR command.
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3" %%s IN (`DIR C:\ /-C /-O /W`) DO (
If you want to compare the available space to the space needed, you could do something like the following. I specified the number with thousands separator, then removed them. It is difficult to grasp the number without commas. The SET /A is nice, but it stops working with large numbers.
SET NEEDED=100,000,000
ECHO Not enough.
Shows all your disks; total, used and free capacity. You can alter the output by various command-line options.
You can get it from, or somewhere else. It's a standard unix-util like du.
df -h
will show all your drive's used and available disk space. For example:
M:\>df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
C:/cygwin/bin 932G 78G 855G 9% /usr/bin
C:/cygwin/lib 932G 78G 855G 9% /usr/lib
C:/cygwin 932G 78G 855G 9% /
C: 932G 78G 855G 9% /cygdrive/c
E: 1.9T 1.3T 621G 67% /cygdrive/e
F: 1.9T 201G 1.7T 11% /cygdrive/f
H: 1.5T 524G 938G 36% /cygdrive/h
M: 1.5T 524G 938G 36% /cygdrive/m
P: 98G 67G 31G 69% /cygdrive/p
R: 98G 14G 84G 15% /cygdrive/r
Cygwin is available for free from: It adds many powerful tools to the command prompt. To get just the available space on drive M (as mapped in windows to a shared drive), one could enter in:
M:\>df -h | grep M: | awk '{print $4}'
If you run "dir c:\
", the last line will give you the free disk space.
Better solution: "fsutil volume diskfree c:
Using paxdiablo excellent solution I wrote a little bit more sophisticated batch script, which uses drive letter as the incoming argument and checks if drive exists on a tricky (but not beauty) way:
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set chkfile=drivechk.tmp
if "%1" == "" goto :usage
set drive=%1
set drive=%drive:\=%
set drive=%drive::=%
dir %drive%:>nul 2>%chkfile%
for %%? in (%chkfile%) do (
set chksize=%%~z?
if %chksize% neq 0 (
more %chkfile%
del %chkfile%
goto :eof
del %chkfile%
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('dir %drive%:\') do (
set bytesfree=%%a
set bytesfree=%bytesfree:,=%
echo %bytesfree% byte(s) free on volume %drive%:
goto :eof
echo usage: freedisk ^<driveletter^> (eg.: freedisk c)
note1: you may type simple letter (eg. x) or may use x: or x:\ format as drive letter in the argument
note2: script will display stderr from %chkfile% only if the size bigger than 0
note3: I saved this script as freedisk.cmd (see usage)