I\'ve looked at a number of questions but still can\'t quite figure this out. I\'m using PyQt, and am hoping to run ffmpeg -i file.mp4 file.avi
and get the out
If you have the duration (Which you can also get from the FFMPEG output) you can calculate the progress by reading the elapsed time (time) output when encoding.
A simple example:
pipe = subprocess.Popen(
fcntl.fcntl(pipe.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK,
while True:
readx = select.select([pipe.stderr.fileno()], [], [])[0]
if readx:
chunk = pipe.stderr.read()
if not chunk:
result = re.search(r'\stime=(?P<time>\S+) ', chunk)
elapsed_time = float(result.groupdict()['time'])
# Assuming you have the duration in seconds
progress = (elapsed_time / duration) * 100
# Do something with progress here
This answers didn't worked for me :/ Here is the way I did it.
Its from my project KoalaBeatzHunter.
def convertMp4ToMp3(mp4f, mp3f, odir, kbps, callback=None, efsize=None):
mp4f: mp4 file
mp3f: mp3 file
odir: output directory
kbps: quality in kbps, ex: 320000
callback: callback() to recieve progress
efsize: estimated file size, if there is will callback() with %
communicate() blocks until the child process returns, so the rest of the lines
in your loop will only get executed after the child process has finished running.
Reading from stderr will block too, unless you read character by character like here.
cmdf = "ffmpeg -i "+ odir+mp4f +" -f mp3 -ab "+ str(kbps) +" -vn "+ odir+mp3f
lineAfterCarriage = ''
print deleteFile(odir + mp3f)
child = subprocess.Popen(cmdf, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
char = child.stderr.read(1)
if char == '' and child.poll() != None:
if char != '':
# simple print to console
# sys.stdout.write(char)
# sys.stdout.flush()
lineAfterCarriage += char
if char == '\r':
if callback:
size = int(extractFFmpegFileSize(lineAfterCarriage)[0])
# kb to bytes
size *= 1024
if efsize:
callback(size, efsize)
lineAfterCarriage = ''
Next, you need 3 more functions to implement it.
def executeShellCommand(cmd):
p = Popen(cmd , shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
return out.rstrip(), err.rstrip(), p.returncode
def getFFmpegFileDurationInSeconds(filename):
cmd = "ffmpeg -i "+ filename +" 2>&1 | grep 'Duration' | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,//"
time = executeShellCommand(cmd)[0]
h = int(time[0:2])
m = int(time[3:5])
s = int(time[6:8])
ms = int(time[9:11])
ts = (h * 60 * 60) + (m * 60) + s + (ms/60)
return ts
def estimateFFmpegMp4toMp3NewFileSizeInBytes(duration, kbps):
* Very close but not exact.
duration: current file duration in seconds
kbps: quality in kbps, ex: 320000
estim.: 12,200,000
real: 12,215,118
return ((kbps * duration) / 8)
And finally you do:
# get new mp3 estimated size
secs = utls.getFFmpegFileDurationInSeconds(filename)
efsize = utls.estimateFFmpegMp4toMp3NewFileSizeInBytes(secs, 320000)
print efsize
utls.convertMp4ToMp3("AwesomeKoalaBeat.mp4", "AwesomeKoalaBeat.mp3",
"../../tmp/", 320000, utls.callbackPrint, efsize)
Hope this will help!
You can also do it pretty clearly with PyQt4's QProcess (as asked in the original question) by connecting a slot from the QProcess to a QTextEdit or whatever. I'm still pretty new to python and pyqt but here's how I just managed to do it:
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class ffmpegBatch(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(ffmpegBatch, self).__init__()
def initUI(self):
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
self.edit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
self.edit.setGeometry(300, 300, 300, 300)
run = QtGui.QPushButton("Run process")
def run(self):
# your commandline whatnot here, I just used this for demonstration
cmd = "systeminfo"
proc = QtCore.QProcess(self)
proc.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(lambda: self.readStdOutput(proc))
def readStdOutput(self, proc):
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = ffmpegBatch()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The only way I've found to get dynamic feedback/output from a child process is to use something like pexpect:
#! /usr/bin/python
import pexpect
cmd = "foo.sh"
thread = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
print "started %s" % cmd
cpl = thread.compile_pattern_list([pexpect.EOF,
'waited (\d+)'])
while True:
i = thread.expect_list(cpl, timeout=None)
if i == 0: # EOF
print "the sub process exited"
elif i == 1:
waited_time = thread.match.group(1)
print "the sub process waited %d seconds" % int(waited_time)
the called sub process foo.sh just waits a random amount of time between 10 and 20 seconds, here's the code for it:
#! /bin/sh
while [ $n -gt 0 ]; do
ns=`date +%N`
p=`expr $ns % 10 + 10`
sleep $p
echo waited $p
n=`expr $n - 1`
You'll want to use some regular expression that matches the output you're getting from ffmpeg and does some kind of calculation on it to show the progress bar, but this will at least get you the unbuffered output from ffmpeg.
, not stdout
. If all you want to do is print the output line, like in your example above, then simply this will do:
import subprocess
cmd = 'ffmpeg -i file.mp4 file.avi'
args = cmd.split()
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
Note that the line of ffmpeg chat is terminated with \r
, so it will overwrite in the same line! I think this means you can't iterate over the lines in p.stderr
, as you do with your rsync example. To build your own progress bar, then, you may need to handle the reading yourself, this should get you started:
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
chatter = p.stderr.read(1024)
print("OUTPUT>>> " + chatter.rstrip())
Here is a dedicated function that yields the progress in percent, and it works with any ffmpeg command you might already have (as a list of strings):
for progress in run_ffmpeg_command(["ffmpeg", "-i", "test.mp4", "test2.mp4"])
This will print 0 through 100.
The idea is to enable the -progress
option, parse the duration from the stderr output and then, once you get the progress time, simply divide it. The code borrows from this Gist.
import subprocess
import re
from typing import Iterator
DUR_REGEX = re.compile(
r"Duration: (?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<min>\d{2}):(?P<sec>\d{2})\.(?P<ms>\d{2})"
TIME_REGEX = re.compile(
def to_ms(s=None, des=None, **kwargs) -> float:
if s:
hour = int(s[0:2])
minute = int(s[3:5])
sec = int(s[6:8])
ms = int(s[10:11])
hour = int(kwargs.get("hour", 0))
minute = int(kwargs.get("min", 0))
sec = int(kwargs.get("sec", 0))
ms = int(kwargs.get("ms", 0))
result = (hour * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (minute * 60 * 1000) + (sec * 1000) + ms
if des and isinstance(des, int):
return round(result, des)
return result
def run_ffmpeg_command(cmd: "list[str]") -> Iterator[int]:
Run an ffmpeg command, trying to capture the process output and calculate
the duration / progress.
Yields the progress in percent.
total_dur = None
cmd_with_progress = [cmd[0]] + ["-progress", "-", "-nostats"] + cmd[1:]
stderr = []
p = subprocess.Popen(
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline().decode("utf8", errors="replace").strip()
if line == "" and p.poll() is not None:
if not total_dur and DUR_REGEX.search(line):
total_dur = DUR_REGEX.search(line).groupdict()
total_dur = to_ms(**total_dur)
if total_dur:
result = TIME_REGEX.search(line)
if result:
elapsed_time = to_ms(**result.groupdict())
yield int(elapsed_time / total_dur * 100)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"Error running command {}: {}".format(cmd, str("\n".join(stderr)))
yield 100