A quick question on the context of the event handlers for templates in Meteor (with Handlebars).
The first parameter in the function is the event. So you could use the target of the event to grab your element.
'click .click-me': function (event, template) {
$(event.target).text("O but I did!");
This video explains the concepts:
The direct answer to your question:
The thisArg inside an event handler should point to a data context. But sometimes the data context is undefined
. When you use the Function.prototype.call(thisArg, ...)
in JavaScript, if the thisArg is undefined (e.g. a dataContext is undefined) the browser will set this
equal to window. So, the docs aren't wrong per se but the event handling code isn't guarding against the possibility of a data context being undefined. I'm guessing that will be fixed in short order.
So, what produces a data context for a template? Normally your root template won't even have a data context. In other words, the Template function is called without an object. But if you use the {{#with
block helper or the {{#each
iterator, a data context will be created for each item in the list, or in the case of the with helper, the object.
var context = {};
<template name="withHelper">
{{#with context}}
// data context is the context object
var list = [ {name: "one"}, {name: "two"} ];
<template name="list">
{{#each list}}
{{ > listItem }} // data context set to the list item object