I am getting this error when I am trying push my files into heroku rep.
Ive set autocrlf = false already in gitconfig but this problem is still there. i have also tr
I was facing this issue while deploying a django app on heroku.
In my case the requirements.txt, Procfile and runtime.txt files were present in a subdirectory. Moving them to the root directory of the repository solved the problem.
Heroku is specifically looking for requirements.txt in the root directory to setup the python environment.
P.S :
If heroku is unable to reach till the wsgi file residing in the subdirectory, solve it by referring below thread -
How can I modify Procfile to run Gunicorn process in a non-standard folder on Heroku?
On my case clearing buildpacks worked
heroku buildpacks:clear
I had same problem, and I resolved it by doing this:
heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
It was a django project on python 3.7
Just switch the branch to main, It will surely work, and delete the project from Heroku remote. Delete all branches from local and use only one "main".
For reference: https://help.heroku.com/O0EXQZTA/how-do-i-switch-branches-from-master-to-main
I was getting this error because I added a line to my requirements.txt file that had an error:
There was only one =
and there should be two:
Correcting this fixed the error.
In my case, I had an invalid package name. I wasn't able to pick up on the error code right away, because I didn't scroll up far enough, but the error was:
remote: $ NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false npm install --prefix client && npm run build --prefix client
remote: npm ERR! code EINVALIDPACKAGENAME // <-- this was hard to find
remote: npm ERR! Invalid package name "react-loader-spinne r": name can only contain URL-friendly characters