Within my test I want to stub a canned response for any instance of a class.
It might look like something like:
Just to further explicate @panic's answer, let's assume you have a Book class:
require 'minitest/mock'
class Book; end
First, create a Book instance stub, and make it return your desired title (any number of times):
book_instance_stub = Minitest::Mock.new
def book_instance_stub.title
desired_title = 'War and Peace'
return_value = desired_title
Then, make the Book class instantiate your Book instance stub (only and always, within the following code block):
method_to_redefine = :new
return_value = book_instance_stub
Book.stub method_to_redefine, return_value do
Within this code block (only), the Book::new
method is stubbed. Let's try it:
some_book = Book.new
another_book = Book.new
puts some_book.title #=> "War and Peace"
Or, most tersely:
require 'minitest/mock'
class Book; end
instance = Minitest::Mock.new
def instance.title() 'War and Peace' end
Book.stub :new, instance do
book = Book.new
another_book = Book.new
puts book.title #=> "War and Peace"
Alternatively, you can install the Minitest extension gem minitest-stub_any_instance
. (Note: when using this approach, the Book#title
method must exist before you stub it.) Now, you can say more simply:
require 'minitest/stub_any_instance'
class Book; def title() end end
desired_title = 'War and Peace'
Book.stub_any_instance :title, desired_title do
book = Book.new
another_book = Book.new
puts book.title #=> "War and Peace"
If you want to verify that Book#title
is invoked a certain number of times, then do:
require 'minitest/mock'
class Book; end
book_instance_stub = Minitest::Mock.new
method = :title
desired_title = 'War and Peace'
return_value = desired_title
number_of_title_invocations = 2
number_of_title_invocations.times do
book_instance_stub.expect method, return_value
method_to_redefine = :new
return_value = book_instance_stub
Book.stub method_to_redefine, return_value do
some_book = Book.new
puts some_book.title #=> "War and Peace"
# And again:
puts some_book.title #=> "War and Peace"
Thus, for any particular instance, invoking the stubbed method more times than specified raises MockExpectationError: No more expects available
Also, for any particular instance, having invoked the stubbed method fewer times than specified raises MockExpectationError: expected title()
, but only if you invoke #verify
on that instance at that point.
I thought I'd share an example that I built upon the answers here.
I needed to stub a method at the end of a long chain of methods. It all started with a new instance of a PayPal API wrapper. The call I needed to stub was essentially:
paypal_api = PayPal::API.new
response = paypal_api.make_payment
I created a class that returned itself unless the method was amount
paypal_api = Class.new.tap do |c|
def c.method_missing(method, *_)
method == :amount ? 1.25 : self
Then I stubbed it in to PayPal::API
PayPal::API.stub :new, paypal_api do
get '/paypal_payment', amount: 1.25
assert_equal 1.25, payments.last.amount
You could make this work for more than just one method by making a hash and returning hash.key?(method) ? hash[method] : self
# Create a mock object
book = MiniTest::Mock.new
# Set the mock to expect :title, return "War and Piece"
# (note that unless we call book.verify, minitest will
# not check that :title was called)
book.expect :title, "War and Piece"
# Stub Book.new to return the mock object
# (only within the scope of the block)
Book.stub :new, book do
wp = Book.new # returns the mock object
wp.title # => "War and Piece"
I use minitest for all my Gems testing, but do all my stubs with mocha, it might be possible to do all in minitest with Mocks(there is no stubs or anything else, but mocks are pretty powerful), but I find mocha does a great job, if it helps:
require 'mocha'
Books.any_instance.stubs(:title).returns("War and Peace")
You can easily stub class methods in MiniTest
. The information is available at github.
So, following your example, and using the Minitest::Spec
style, this is how you should stub methods:
# - RSpec -
Book.stubs(:title).any_instance.returns("War and Peace")
# - MiniTest - #
Book.stub :title, "War and Peace" do
book = Book.new
book.title.must_equal "War and Peace"
This a really stupid example but at least gives you a clue on how to do what you want to do. I tried this using MiniTest v2.5.1 which is the bundled version that comes with Ruby 1.9 and it seems like in this version the #stub method was not yet supported, but then I tried with MiniTest v3.0 and it worked like a charm.
Good luck and congratulations on using MiniTest!
Edit: There is also another approach for this, and even though it seems a little bit hackish, it is still a solution to your problem:
klass = Class.new Book do
define_method(:title) { "War and Peace" }
klass.new.title.must_equal "War and Peace"
If you're interesting in simple stubbing without a mocking library, then it's easy enough to do this in Ruby:
class Book
def avg_word_count_per_page
arr = word_counts_per_page
sum = arr.inject(0) { |s,n| s += n }
len = arr.size
sum.to_f / len
def word_counts_per_page
# ... perhaps this is super time-consuming ...
describe Book do
describe '#avg_word_count_per_page' do
it "returns the right thing" do
book = Book.new
# a stub is just a redefinition of the method, nothing more
def book.word_counts_per_page; [1, 3, 5, 4, 8]; end
book.avg_word_count_per_page.must_equal 4.2
If you want something more complicated like stubbing all instances of a class, then it is also easy enough to do, you just have to get a little creative:
class Book
def self.find_all_short_and_unread
repo = BookRepository.new
describe Book do
describe '.find_all_short_unread' do
before do
# exploit Ruby's constant lookup mechanism
# when BookRepository is referenced in Book.find_all_short_and_unread
# then this class will be used instead of the real BookRepository
Book.send(:const_set, BookRepository, fake_book_repository_class)
after do
# clean up after ourselves so future tests will not be affected
Book.send(:remove_const, :BookRepository)
let(:fake_book_repository_class) do
it "returns the right thing" do
# Stub #initialize instead of .new so we have access to the
# BookRepository instance
fake_book_repository_class.send(:define_method, :initialize) do
def self.find_all_short_and_unread; [:book1, :book2]; end
Book.find_all_short_and_unread.must_equal [:book1, :book2]