Perhaps this isn\'t actually the issue I\'m experiencing, but it seems that when I \"click_link\" a link with target=\"_blank\", the session keeps the focus on the current w
Now within_window implemented for capybara-webkit and here you can see how to use it
I had this issue when opening links in an gmail window: I fixed it like this:
Given /^(?:|I )click the "([^"]*)" link in email message$/ do |field|
# var alllinks = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
# for (alllinksi=0; alllinksi<alllinks.length; alllinksi++) {
# alllinks[alllinksi].removeAttribute("target");
# }
page.execute_script('var alllinks = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (alllinksi=0; alllinksi<alllinks.length; alllinksi++) { alllinks[alllinksi].removeAttribute("target"); }')
within(:css, "div.msg") do
click_link link_text
The best idea is to update capybara to the latests version (2.4.1) and just use
because page.driver.browser.window_handles
is deprecated.