I\'m trying to get access to the user agent with Flask, but I either can\'t find the documentation on it, or it doesn\'t tell me.
The question begs for a lot more information. This library seems to fit the bill of collecting a lot of information out of flask, and has example calls to getting this information out of the application context.
Usage gets stored in this format:
'url': str,
'user_agent': {
'browser': str,
'language': str,
'platform': str,
'version': str,
'blueprint': str,
'view_args': dict or None
'status': int,
'remote_addr': str,
'xforwardedfor': str,
'authorization': bool
'ip_info': str or None,
'path': str,
'speed': float,
'date': datetime,
Here is one of the places in the library where the data is collected:
https://github.com/ashcrow/flask-track-usage/blob/master/src/flask_track_usage/init.py around line 158
data = {
'url': ctx.request.url,
'user_agent': ctx.request.user_agent,
'server_name': ctx.app.name,
'blueprint': ctx.request.blueprint,
'view_args': ctx.request.view_args,
'status': response.status_code,
'remote_addr': ctx.request.remote_addr,
'xforwardedfor': ctx.request.headers.get(
'X-Forwarded-For', None),
'authorization': bool(ctx.request.authorization),
'ip_info': None,
'path': ctx.request.path,
'speed': float(speed),
'date': int(time.mktime(current_time.timetuple())),
'content_length': response.content_length,
'request': "{} {} {}".format(
'url_args': dict(
[(k, ctx.request.args[k]) for k in ctx.request.args]
'username': None,
'track_var': g.track_var
If you use
you may get: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
If you use
you may get like this:
from flask import request
You can also use the request.user_agent object which contains the following attributes which are created based on the useragent string:
== request.headers.get('User-Agent')
)UA usually does not contain language. If you want to get the language set in browser, you may use
It'll give you list of languages. E.g.
LanguageAccept([('en-US', 1), ('en', 0.5)])
To access the first value, you may use
which will result in string
Detailed information about 'accept_language" header: https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-lang-priorities