I am trying to use the KeyboardAvoidingView with behavior="padding"
For some reason, when I
This is a known issue with KeyboardAvoidingView and Android. There are multiple ways to address this issue.
React Native documentation says:
Android may behave better when given no behavior prop at all, whereas iOS is the opposite.
So, if you are working only with Android you may remove behavior prop and it should work straight away. For best results add android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
to your Manifest.
Alternatively you can give an offset value that works for you something like this:
KeyboardAvoidingView keyboardVerticalOffset={-500} behavior="padding"
For ios do the same thing conditionally:
behavior= {(Platform.OS === 'ios')? "padding" : null}
keyboardVerticalOffset={Platform.select({ios: 0, android: 500})}
This appears to be only a partial solution, although it works initially, if the android phone is locked on the screen with the keyboard avoiding layout, when you unlock you end up with the extra padding above the keyboard again.
Remove android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
from the AndroidManifest.xml
If I understand the issue correctly, I have been dealing with the same thing. By having android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
in the manifest, the android system will try to do the same job as the KeyboardAvoidingView
. This results in extra spacing being added above the keyboard on Android only.
If working on both platforms you are going to have to deal with this on iOS every time you are working with keyboard input, so best to remove the android specific behaviour by android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
from the manifest and using the KeyboardAvoidingView
every time.
My problem was not checking this platform type
adding the code below to KeyboardAvoidView
fixed it for me
behavior={Platform.OS === "ios" ? "padding" : 'height'}
The main issue with KeyboardAvoidingView is that; the understanding of how it works is missing.
I found below link very helpful
Hope it helps
<KeyboardAvoidingView style={styles.keyboardcontainer} behavior="padding"
keyboardVerticalOffset={Platform.select({ios :120, android : 500})}
<View style={{flex: 1 }}>
// Your Code
I think the best approach is to create a HOC for this, in addition ,by using getBottomSpace from react-native-iphone-x-helper you can solve overlapping issue for IPhone X and..
import React, { ComponentType, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { Platform, KeyboardAvoidingView, View, Pressable, Keyboard } from
import { getBottomSpace } from 'react-native-iphone-x-helper';
interface IProps {
children: ReactNode;
const KeyboardAvoidingViewHoc = (Component: ComponentType) => {
return ({ children, ...props }: IProps) => {
return (
<KeyboardAvoidingView {...props} keyboardVerticalOffset=
{getBottomSpace()} behavior= {Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'padding' : undefined}>
<Pressable onPress={Keyboard.dismiss}>
<Component {...props}>{children}</Component>
export const AvoidKeyboardAvoidingViewHoc = KeyboardAvoidingViewHoc(View);