I am trying to read a matlab file with the following code
import scipy.io
mat = scipy.io.loadmat(\'test.mat\')
and it gives me the followin
This function reads Matlab-produced HDF5 .mat files, and returns a structure of nested dicts of Numpy arrays. Matlab writes matrices in Fortran order, so this also transposes matrices and higher-dimensional arrays into conventional Numpy order arr[..., page, row, col]
import h5py
def read_matlab(filename):
def conv(path=''):
p = path or '/'
paths[p] = ret = {}
for k, v in f[p].items():
if type(v).__name__ == 'Group':
ret[k] = conv(f'{path}/{k}') # Nested struct
v = v[()] # It's a Numpy array now
if v.dtype == 'object':
# HDF5ObjectReferences are converted into a list of actual pointers
ret[k] = [r and paths.get(f[r].name, f[r].name) for r in v.flat]
# Matrices and other numeric arrays
ret[k] = v if v.ndim < 2 else v.swapaxes(-1, -2)
return ret
paths = {}
with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
return conv()
import h5py
import numpy as np
filepath = '/path/to/data.mat'
arrays = {}
f = h5py.File(filepath)
for k, v in f.items():
arrays[k] = np.array(v)
you should end up with your data in the arrays
dict, unless you have MATLAB structures, I suspect. Hope it helps!