To add caching inside http is pretty straight forward. ( by passing cache=true )$http has Cache option.
How do I add simila
This doesn't seem to be mentioned here but you can also overwrite the default methods.
app.factory("List", ["$resource", function($resource) {
return $resource("./lists/:path/:action.json", {}, {
get: {
method: "GET",
cache: true
You can also set default cache for $http and thus for $resource which is based on it.
My settings with the excellent angular-cache allowing LocalStorage and compliant with $cacheFactory:$http, DSCacheFactory) {
DSCacheFactory('defaultCache', {
deleteOnExpire: 'aggressive',
storageMode: 'localStorage'
$http.defaults.cache = DSCacheFactory.get('defaultCache');
Looking at the angular-resource source indicates that triggering caching isn't possible with the way it is currently written.
Here's the request object from the source:
method: action.method,
url: route.url(extend({}, extractParams(data), action.params || {}, params)),
data: data
There are a few potential ways to deal with this.
First, you could cache locally using client-side persistence. I use with wrapper (b/c I don't really like the API syntax). There are a variety other storage solutions depending on what you're looking for and what browser's your targeting. Quite a few people use lawnchair as well.
You can then stringify and store your models locally and update them based on whatever rules or time limits you desire.
Another solution is to simply modify angular resource to accept the parameters you're looking for. This could be as simple (simply add an additional argument to $resource) or complex as you need it to be.
function ResourceFactory(url, paramDefaults, actions, cache) {
var cache = cache != null ? cache : false; // Set default to false
method: action.method,
url: route.url(extend({}, extractParams(data), action.params || {}, params)),
data: data,
cache: cache
Finally, depending on you requirements, it might be significantly easier to simply create your own resource, using angular.factory to create a service. One of the advantages of ngResource is that is does all of the string interpolation work for you when translating parameters. However, you can certainly barrow this logic for parsing if you need it, or write your own based on the models you're using.
I just came across this really well thought out module called angular-cached-resource that will do the job for you.
It is a drop in replacement for $resource, with added functionality of cache management using localStorage. If your browser doesnt support local storage, you will not get any caching benefit. Here's an example of how you can use it:
The old way using $resource:
var Entry = $resource('/entries/:slug', {slug: '@slug'});
var announcement = new Entry();
announcement.slug = 'announcing-angular-cached-resource';
announcement.title = 'Announcing Angular Cached Resource';
announcement.body = 'Here is why Angular Cached Resource is awesome!';
announcement.$save(function() {
alert('Saved announcement.');
The new way using $cachedResource:
var Entry = $cachedResource('entries', '/entries/:slug', {slug: '@slug'});
var announcement = new Entry();
announcement.slug = 'announcing-angular-cached-resource';
announcement.title = 'Announcing Angular Cached Resource';
announcement.body = 'Here is why Angular Cached Resource is awesome!';
announcement.$save(function() {
alert('Saved announcement.');
The only differences in the code are:
in the example above) so that you can
refer to it even between page refreshes or reloads. These entries
persist since out of the box it uses localStorage.A detailed tutorial is available here:
Also note Angular 2.0 may support something like this out of the box:
Since 1.1.2 (commit), all the $httpConfig options are directly exposed in $resource action objects:
return {
Things: $resource('url/to/:thing', {}, {
list : {
method : 'GET',
cache : true
I'm using angular-resource 1.5.5 and set my code up the following way:
Set action as query, and since the "query" action is expecting a response deserialized as an array, isArray will need to be explicitly set to true. My understanding is by default ngResource actions expect objects except query. See here
.controller('myCtrl',['$scope','myService',function($scope, myService) {
$scope.myData= myService.myResource.query();
var baseUrl = '';
myResource:$resource(baseURL + '/myEndpoint/:id', {id:'@id'},{