I have an object I need to examine in IE8.
I tried the developer tools and console.log
, their Firebug equivalent.
However, when I output the object to the log:<
console.log(element.toString()) might be your friend here...
Add this Tag in your page :
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite-debug.js"></script>
And the things will work.
Its working on my system.
Note: Do try this solution.
A bit chunky but it works for DOM objects:
console.log( testNode.outerHTML.replace(testNode.innerHTML,"") );
@Chris commented @Andy's answer with the simple solution: Use console.dir(myObj)
to get all the details printed out in the console in IE. Thanks Chris!
Dump it into an existing HMTL-Element
I noticed IE 11 is stripping off console lines after 1027 chars :-/ When I had a large object to dump (12,000 chars) I dumped it into an existing DIV- oder TextArea-Element, from where I could copy the content.
var str = JSON.stringify(myObject);
$('#existing-element').text(str); // jQuery or
document.querySelector("#existing-element").innerHTML = str; // native JavaScript