I have an object I need to examine in IE8.
I tried the developer tools and console.log
, their Firebug equivalent.
However, when I output the object to the log:<
I know this is a REALLY old question, but I was looking for an answer to this just now. If it's not an absolute requirement to use the IE console (which isn't very good, IMO), then you might consider using Firebug Lite (http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite). It's not a perfect solution, and you may not want to push that script out to your production environment, and it's not as full featured as Firebug, but it's pretty good in a pinch when you have to much around with a low-end browser like IE.
If you're dealing with nasty code and console.log is not available, try this in the console:
out = []; for (i in your_object) { out.push(i) } out.join("\n")
Here's one technique that I've found helpful:
A bit off topic (as it won't work for DOM elements) but I've found it handy to use the JSON.stringify(object) to get a JSON string for the object which is pretty readable.
A pictorial version of Xavi's excellent answer:
One suggestion is to use Firebug-Lite: It wraps console obj and you can see the result in IE like in most of the firebug console. Hope this help.