I\'m looking to reformat (replace, not validate - there are many references for validating) a phone number for display in Javascript. Here\'s an example of some of the data:
Almost all of these have issues when the user tries to backspace over the delimiters, particularly from the middle of the string.
Here's a jquery solution that handles that, and also makes sure the cursor stays in the right place as you edit:
//format text input as phone number (nnn) nnn-nnnn
$('.myPhoneField').on('input', function (e){
var $phoneField = e.target;
var cursorPosition = $phoneField.selectionStart;
var numericString = $phoneField.value.replace(/\D/g, '').substring(0, 10);
// let user backspace over the '-'
if (cursorPosition === 9 && numericString.length > 6) return;
// let user backspace over the ') '
if (cursorPosition === 5 && numericString.length > 3) return;
if (cursorPosition === 4 && numericString.length > 3) return;
var match = numericString.match(/^(\d{1,3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,4})$/);
if (match) {
var newVal = '(' + match[1];
newVal += match[2] ? ') ' + match[2] : '';
newVal += match[3] ? '-' + match[3] : '';
// to help us put the cursor back in the right place
var delta = newVal.length - Math.min($phoneField.value.length, 14);
$phoneField.value = newVal;
$phoneField.selectionEnd = cursorPosition + delta;
} else {
$phoneField.value = '';