str = \"Hello☺ World☹\"
Expected output is:
\"Hello:) World:(\"
I can do this: str.gsub(\"☺\", \":)\").gsu
Late to the party but if you wanted to replace certain chars with one, you could use a regex
string_to_replace.gsub(/_|,| /, '-')
In this example, gsub is replacing underscores(_), commas (,) or ( ) with a dash (-)
Riffing on naren's answer above, I'd go with
tr = {'a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'z' => '26'}
mystring.gsub(/[#{tr.keys}]/, tr)
'zebraazzeebra'.gsub(/[#{tr.keys}]/, tr)
Another simple way, and yet easy to read is the following:
str = '12 ene 2013'
map = {'ene' => 'jan', 'abr'=>'apr', 'dic'=>'dec'}
map.each {|k,v| str.sub!(k,v)}
puts str # '12 jan 2013'
You could do something like this:
replacements = [ ["☺", ":)"], ["☹", ":("] ]
replacements.each {|replacement| str.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
There may be a more efficient solution, but this at least makes the code a bit cleaner
Set up a mapping table:
map = {'☺' => ':)', '☹' => ':(' }
Then build a regex:
re = { |x| Regexp.escape(x) }.join('|'))
And finally, gsub:
s = str.gsub(re, map)
If you're stuck in 1.8 land, then:
s = str.gsub(re) { |m| map[m] }
You need the Regexp.escape in there in case anything you want to replace has a special meaning within a regex. Or, thanks to steenslag, you could use:
re = Regexp.union(map.keys)
and the quoting will be take care of for you.
You can also use tr to replace multiple characters in a string at once,
Eg., replace "h" to "m" and "l" to "t"
"hello".tr("hl", "mt")
=> "metto"
looks simple, neat and faster (not much difference though) than gsub
puts Benchmark.measure {"hello".tr("hl", "mt") }
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000007)
puts Benchmark.measure{"hello".gsub(/[hl]/, 'h' => 'm', 'l' => 't') }
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000021)