I\'m using a parser generator that creates somewhat ugly code. As a result my Eclipse project has several dozen warnings emanating from generated source files. I know I can
I think the best you can do is enable project specific settings for displaying warnings.
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings
On the top of the form is a link for configuring project specific settings.
It's been a while since I have released the warning-cleaner plugin, and now that I am using Eclipse 3.8, I have no need for it anymore. However, for those who still need this plugin, I have released it on github with the update site on bintray. If you are still using Eclipse 3.7 or before, this could be useful. Check this site for installation details.
I solved this by using the maven regexp replace plugin - it does not solve the cause, but heals the pain:
<token>^public class</token>
<value>@SuppressWarnings("all") public class</value>
Note that I did not manage to get the ** notation to work, so you might have to specify path exactly.
See comment below for an improvement on how not to generate duplicate @SupressWarnings
I'm doing this to a few ANTLR grammars, which generate a Java parser using Ant. The Ant build script adds the @SuppressWarnings("all")
to one Java file, and @Override
to a few methods in another.
I can look up how it's done exactly, if you're interested.
This can be done by excluding certain directories from the build path (The following example is given using Eclipse 3.5)
[1] Bring up the Java Build Path
[2] Add directories to exclude
If the eclipse project is generated from gradle using Eclipse plugin's eclipse
command the Selectively ignore errors/warnings from source folders
option can be set by adding this on the top level of you build.gradle
eclipse.classpath.file {
whenMerged { classpath ->
classpath.entries.each { entry ->
if (entry.path.contains('build/generated/parser')) {
entry.entryAttributes['ignore_optional_problems'] = true
This assumes that generated sources are in build/generated/parser