I have the script below to subtract the counts of files between two directories but the COUNT=
expression does not work. What is the correct syntax?
Try this Bash syntax instead of trying to use an external program expr
BTW, the correct syntax of using expr
count=$(expr $FIRSTV - $SECONDV)
But keep in mind using expr
is going to be slower than the internal Bash syntax I provided above.
Alternatively to the suggested 3 methods you can try let which carries out arithmetic operations on variables as follows:
White space is important, expr
expects its operands and operators as separate arguments. You also have to capture the output. Like this:
but it's more common to use the builtin arithmetic expansion:
Use Python:
# home/victoria/test.sh
START=$(date +"%s") ## seconds since Epoch
for i in $(seq 1 10)
sleep 1.5
END=$(date +"%s") ## integer
TIME=$((END - START)) ## integer
AVG_TIME=$(python -c "print(float($TIME/$i))") ## int to float
printf 'i: %i | elapsed time: %0.1f sec | avg. time: %0.3f\n' $i $TIME $AVG_TIME
((i++)) ## increment $i
$ ./test.sh
i: 1 | elapsed time: 1.0 sec | avg. time: 1.000
i: 2 | elapsed time: 3.0 sec | avg. time: 1.500
i: 3 | elapsed time: 5.0 sec | avg. time: 1.667
i: 4 | elapsed time: 6.0 sec | avg. time: 1.500
i: 5 | elapsed time: 8.0 sec | avg. time: 1.600
i: 6 | elapsed time: 9.0 sec | avg. time: 1.500
i: 7 | elapsed time: 11.0 sec | avg. time: 1.571
i: 8 | elapsed time: 12.0 sec | avg. time: 1.500
i: 9 | elapsed time: 14.0 sec | avg. time: 1.556
i: 10 | elapsed time: 15.0 sec | avg. time: 1.500
You just need a little extra whitespace around the minus sign, and backticks:
Be aware of the exit status:
The exit status is 0 if EXPRESSION is neither null nor 0, 1 if EXPRESSION is null or 0.
Keep this in mind when using the expression in a bash script in combination with set -e which will exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
You can use:
((count = FIRSTV - SECONDV))
to avoid invoking a separate process, as per the following transcript:
pax:~$ FIRSTV=7
pax:~$ SECONDV=2
pax:~$ ((count = FIRSTV - SECONDV))
pax:~$ echo $count