I hope this can be helpful. :)
I. Declaring vars, functions inside IIFE(Immediately-invoked function expression), those can be used only in the anonymous function. (It can be good to use "let, const" keywords without using 'var' when you need to change code for ES6.)
let Name = (function() {
const _privateHello = function() {
class Name {
constructor() {
publicMethod() {
return Name;
II. WeakMap object can be good for memoryleak trouble.
Stored variables in the WeakMap will be removed when the instance will be removed. Check this article. (Managing the private data of ES6 classes)
let Name = (function() {
const _privateName = new WeakMap();
III. Let's put all together.
let Name = (function() {
const _privateName = new WeakMap();
const _privateHello = function(fullName) {
console.log("Hello, " + fullName);
class Name {
constructor(firstName, lastName) {
_privateName.set(this, {firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName});
static printName(name) {
let privateName = _privateName.get(name);
let _fullname = privateName.firstName + " " + privateName.lastName;
printName() {
let privateName = _privateName.get(this);
let _fullname = privateName.firstName + " " + privateName.lastName;
return Name;
var aMan = new Name("JH", "Son");
aMan.printName(); // "Hello, JH Son"
Name.printName(aMan); // "Hello, JH Son"