I have a LinearLayout inside a HorizontalScrollView. The content is just a image. While scrolling, I need to achieve the same behavior you get when setting the paging option
The new Compatibility Package (revision 3) in Android added a ViewPager which does that.
So, my solution is:
The method computeScroll the called to move the list. By default I suppose it's implemented to decelerate with a certain ratio... Since I don't want this motion, I just override it without specifing a body.
The code for the event handler is:
_scrollView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)
float currentPosition = _scrollView.getScrollX();
float pagesCount = _horizontalBar.getChildCount();
float pageLengthInPx = _horizontalBar.getMeasuredWidth()/pagesCount;
float currentPage = currentPosition/pageLengthInPx;
Boolean isBehindHalfScreen = currentPage-(int)currentPage > 0.5;
float edgePosition = 0;
edgePosition = (int)(currentPage+1)*pageLengthInPx;
edgePosition = (int)currentPage*pageLengthInPx;
_scrollView.scrollTo((int)edgePosition, 0);
return false;
And in my inherited HorizontalScrollView
public void computeScroll (){
i found another way to get the same effect and i think is more readable. Here is the way:
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)
float currentPosition = hsv.getScrollX();
float pagesCount = hsv.getChildCount();
float pageLengthInPx = hsv.getMeasuredWidth()/pagesCount;
int page = (int) (Math.floor((currentPosition - pageLengthInPx / 2) / pageLengthInPx) + 1);
hsv.scrollTo((int) (page * pageLengthInPx), 0);
return false;
I came across a nice solution here:
Horizontal Pager
this is a cleaned up GitHub version of the code found here:
Real View Switcher
It may seem like overkill for just using it on images, but this solution allows for infinite paging with using a little trick (ie: when on first page you can scroll back to last page and when on last page you can scroll forward to first page). It also allows you to have an unknown number of pages and dynamically generate content by using another little trick. Please see my comment in the second link here
for details on how i accomplished this.
Hope this helps.