I have this ugly code:
if ( v > 10 ) size = 6;
if ( v > 22 ) size = 5;
if ( v > 51 ) size = 4;
if ( v > 68 ) size = 3;
if ( v > 117 ) size = 2
How about such approach:
int getSize(int v) {
int[] thresholds = {145, 117, 68, 51, 22, 10};
for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.length; i++) {
if (v > thresholds[i]) return i+1;
return 1;
Functionally: (Demonstrated in Scala)
def getSize(v: Int): Int = {
val thresholds = Vector(145, 117, 68, 51, 22, 10)
thresholds.zipWithIndex.find(v > _._1).map(_._2).getOrElse(0) + 1
There are a ton of answers and suggestions here but I honestly don't see any of them "prettier" or "more elegant" than the original method.
If you had dozens or HUNDREDS of iterations to check then I could easily see going to some for loop but honestly, for the handful of comparisons you had, stick with the if's and move on. It's not that ugly.
return (v-173) / -27;
This is my code sample, using SortedSet. You initialise boundaries once.
SortedSet<Integer> boundaries = new SortedSet<Integer>;
Then use it subsequently this way for multiple values of v (and initialised size)
SortedSet<Integer> subset = boundaries.tailSet(v);
if( subset.size() != boundaries.size() )
size = subset.size() + 1;
I have one more version for you. I don't really think it's the best one because it adds unnecessary complexity in the name of "performance" when I'm 100% sure this function will never be a performance hog (unless someone is calculating size in a tight loop a million times ...).
But I present it just because I thought performing a hard-coded binary search to be sort of interesting. It doesn't look very binary-y because there aren't enough elements to go very deep, but it does have the virtue that it returns a result in no more than 3 tests rather than 6 as in the original post. The return statements are also in order by size which would help with understanding and/or modification.
if (v > 68) {
if (v > 145) {
return 1
} else if (v > 117) {
return 2;
} else {
return 3;
} else {
if (v > 51) {
return 4;
} else if (v > 22) {
return 5;
} else {
return 6;
Here is an object-oriented solution, a class called Mapper<S,T>
that maps values from any type that implements comparable to any target type.
Mapper<String, Integer> mapper = Mapper.from("a","b","c").to(1,2,3);
// Map a single value
System.out.println(mapper.map("beef")); // 2
// Map a Collection of values
Arrays.asList("apples","beef","lobster"))); // [1, 2, 3]
public class Mapper<S extends Comparable<S>, T> {
private final S[] source;
private final T[] target;
// Builder to enable from... to... syntax and
// to make Mapper immutable
public static class Builder<S2 extends Comparable<S2>> {
private final S2[] data;
private Builder(final S2[] data){
this.data = data;
public <T2> Mapper<S2, T2> to(final T2... target){
return new Mapper<S2, T2>(this.data, target);
private Mapper(final S[] source, final T[] target){
final S[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(source, source.length);
this.source = copy;
this.target = Arrays.copyOf(target, target.length);
// Factory method to get builder
public static <U extends Comparable<U>, V> Builder<U> from(final U... items){
return new Builder<U>(items);
// Map a collection of items
public Collection<T> mapAll(final Collection<? extends S> input){
final Collection<T> output = new ArrayList<T>(input.size());
for(final S s : input){
return output;
// map a single item
public T map(final S input){
final int sourceOffset = Arrays.binarySearch(this.source, input);
return this.target[
sourceOffset < 0 ? Math.abs(sourceOffset)-2:sourceOffset
Edit: finally replaced the map() method with a more efficient (and shorter) version. I know: a version that searches partitions would still be faster for large arrays, but sorry: I'm too lazy.
If you think this is too bloated, consider this:
Sure, all of these features could be easily removed, but the code would be less complete, less usable or less stable.