I need to add a device to my team provisioning profile, however I do not physically have the device so I can\'t hook it up to my computer so Xcode can\'t add the UDID to my
Xcode 10.3
In finder navigate to: MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ and delete all files there.
Then Archive and Automatically manage singing.
You are done!
There are two types of provisioning profiles.
When app is live on app store then distribution profiles works and do not need any devices to be added.
Only development profiles need to add devices.In order to do so these are the steps-
This worked for me hope it works for you.
Get the UDID from iTunes:
Once you have that:
Per May 16th 2013, using XCode 4.6.2, I had to do the following to add a device (which I do not have physical access to) to the team provisioning profile:
Sometimes it takes a while before the certificate is updated and fetched from XCode.
Hope this helps new readers.
I faced multiple time the same issue that I add device info to portal so I can publish build to fabric testing but device is still missing due to how Xcode is not updating team provisioning profile.
So based on other answers and my own experience, the best and quickest way is to remove all Provisioning profiles manually by command line while automatic signing will download them again with updated devices.
If this can lead to some unknown issues I don't know and highly doubt, but it works for me just fine.
So just:
cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
rm *
And try again...
As of Sept 2018, Apple seems to (or a bug) block the normal way to get your XS and XS Max's UDID. Even XCode could not properly register new phones for you.
After a couple hours of digging, I figure it out: