I need to add a device to my team provisioning profile, however I do not physically have the device so I can\'t hook it up to my computer so Xcode can\'t add the UDID to my
This worked for me:
Workaround for adding a device to an existing (automatically or manually created) provisioning profile (tested in Xcode 8.2.1):
Xcode should now be aware of the newly added device.
Note that testers are no longer added via UUID in the new Apple TestFlight.
Test Flight builds now require an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile. The portal does not allow UUIDs to be added to this type of provisioning profile.
Instead, add "Internal Testers" via iTunes Connect:
Internal testers are iTunes Connect users with the Admin or Technical role. They can be added in Users and Roles.
After adding a user, be sure to click on their name and flip the "Internal Tester" switch.
Then, go to App > Prerelease > Internal Testers
and invite them to the build.
If you have recently created new provisioning profiles, you will have to disconnect your phone, close XCode. Then open XCode, refresh your accounts then build and deploy at least once to your phone.
right click on the device, then select 'add device to provisioning profile'
For Xcode 6 it is a little different.
After adding the device UDID in the developer site (https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/device/deviceList.action), go back to Xcode.
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts Select the Apple ID you added the device under and in the bottom right, click "View Details..."
Hit the refresh icon on the bottom left and then try to run the app again.