The answer from @Slauma is really great but I found that it didnt't work when a ComplexType property was invalid.
For example, say you have a property Phone
of the complex type PhoneNumber
. If the AreaCode
property is invalid, the property name in ve.PropertyNames
is "Phone.AreaCode". This causes the call to eve.Entry.CurrentValues<object>(ve.PropertyName)
to fail.
To fix this, you can split the property name at each .
, then recurse through the resulting array of property names. Finally, when you arrive at the bottom of the chain, you can simply return the value of the property.
Below is @Slauma's FormattedDbEntityValidationException
class with support for ComplexTypes.
public class FormattedDbEntityValidationException : Exception
public FormattedDbEntityValidationException(DbEntityValidationException innerException) :
base(null, innerException)
public override string Message
var innerException = InnerException as DbEntityValidationException;
if (innerException == null) return base.Message;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var eve in innerException.EntityValidationErrors)
sb.AppendLine(string.Format("- Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().FullName, eve.Entry.State));
foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
object value;
if (ve.PropertyName.Contains("."))
var propertyChain = ve.PropertyName.Split('.');
var complexProperty = eve.Entry.CurrentValues.GetValue<DbPropertyValues>(propertyChain.First());
value = GetComplexPropertyValue(complexProperty, propertyChain.Skip(1).ToArray());
value = eve.Entry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(ve.PropertyName);
sb.AppendLine(string.Format("-- Property: \"{0}\", Value: \"{1}\", Error: \"{2}\"",
return sb.ToString();
private static object GetComplexPropertyValue(DbPropertyValues propertyValues, string[] propertyChain)
var propertyName = propertyChain.First();
return propertyChain.Count() == 1
? propertyValues[propertyName]
: GetComplexPropertyValue((DbPropertyValues)propertyValues[propertyName], propertyChain.Skip(1).ToArray());