I’ve been reading a few questions and answers regarding exceptions and their use. Seems to be a strong opinion that exceptions should be raised only for exception, unhandled
It depends on what sort of validation you will be performing and where. I think that each layer of the application can be easily protected from bad data and its too easy to do for it not to be worth it.
Consider a multi-tiered application and the validation requirements/facilities of each layer. The middle layer, Object, is the one that seems to be up for debate here.
protects itself from an invalid state with column constraints and referential integrity, which will cause the application's database code to throw exceptions
ASP.NET/Windows Forms
protects the form's state (not the object) using validator routines and/or controls without using exceptions (winforms does not ship with validators, but there's an excellent series at msdn describing how to implement them)
Say you have a table with a list of hotel rooms, and each row has a column for the number of beds called 'beds'. The most sensible data type for that column is an unsigned small integer*. You also have a plain ole object with an Int16* property called 'Beds'. The issue is that you can stick -4555 into an Int16, but when you go to persist the data to a database you're going to get an Exception. Which is fine - my database shouldn't be allowed to say that a hotel room has less than zero beds, because a hotel room can't have less than zero beds.
* If your database can represent it, but let's assume it can
* I know you can just use a ushort in C#, but for the purpose of this example, let's assume you can't
There's some confusion as to whether objects should represent your business entity, or whether they should represent the state of your form. Certainly in ASP.NET and Windows Forms, the form is perfectly capable of handling and validating its own state. If you've got a text box on an ASP.NET form that is going to be used to populate that same Int16 field, you've probably put a RangeValidator control on your page which tests the input before it gets assigned to your object. It prevents you from entering a value less than zero, and probably prevents you from entering a value greater than, say, 30, which hopefully would be enough to cater for the worst flea-infested hostel you can imagine. On postback, you would probably be checking the IsValid property of the page before building your object, thereby preventing your object from ever representing less than zero beds and preventing your setter from ever being called with a value it shouldn't hold.
But your object is still capable of representing less than zero beds, and again, if you were using the object in a scenario not involving the layers which have validation integrated into them (your form and your DB) you're outta luck.
Why would you ever be in this scenario? It must be a pretty exceptional set of circumstances! Your setter therefore needs to throw an exception when it receives invalid data. It should never be thrown, but it could be. You could be writing a Windows Form to manage the object to replace the ASP.NET form and forget to validate the range before populating the object. You could be using the object in a scheduled task where there is no user interaction at all, and which saves to a different, but related, area of the database rather than the table which the object maps to. In the latter scenario, your object can enter a state where it is invalid, but you won't know until the results of other operations start to be affected by the invalid value. If you're checking for them and throwing exceptions, that is.
In my experience, validation rules are seldom universal across all screens/forms/processes in an application. Scenarios like this are common: on the add page, it may be ok for a Person object not to have a last name, but on the edit page it must have a last name. That being the case I've come to believe that validation should happen outside of an object, or the rules should be injected into the object so the rules can change given a context. Valid/Invalid should be an explicit state of the object after validation or one that can be derived by checking a collection for failed rules. A failed business rule is not an exception IMHO.
You might want to move the validation outside of the getters and setters. You could have a function or property called IsValid that would run all the validation rules. t would populate a dictionary or hashtable with all of the "Broken Rules". This dictionary would be exposed to the outside world, and you can use it to populate your error messages.
This is the approach that is taken in CSLA.Net.
I've always been a fan of Rocky Lhotka's approach in the CSLA framework (as mentioned by Charles). In general, whether it's driven by the setter or by calling an explicit Validate method, a collection of BrokenRule objects is maintained internally by the business object. The UI simply needs to check an IsValid method on the object, which in turn checks the number of BrokenRules, and handle it appropriately. Alternatively, you could easily have the Validate method raise an event which the UI could handle (probably the cleaner approach). You can also use the list of BrokenRules to display error messages to the use either in summary form or next to the appropriate field. Although the CSLA framework is written in .NET, the overall approach can be used in any language.
I don't think throwing an Exception is the best idea in this case. I definitely follow the school of thought that says Exceptions should be for exceptional circumstances, which a simple validation error is not. Raising an OnValidationFailed event would be the cleaner choice, in my opinion.
By the way, I have never liked the idea of not letting the user leave a field when it is in an invalid state. There are so many situations where you might need to leave the field temporarily (perhaps to set some other field first) before going back and fixing the invalid field. I think it's just an unnecessary inconvenience.
As Paul Stovell's article mentioned, you can implement error-free validation in your business objects by implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface. Doing so will allow user error notification by WinForm's ErrorProvider and WPF's binding with validation rules. The logic to validate your objects properties is stored in one method, instead of in each of your property getters, and you do not necessarily have to resort to frameworks like CSLA or Validation Application Block.
As far as stopping the user from changing focus out of the textbox is concerned:
First of all, this is usually not the best practice. A user may want to fill out the form out of order, or, if a validation rule is dependent on the results of multiple controls, the user may have to fill in a dummy value just to get out of one control to set another control. That said, this can be implemented by setting the Form's AllowValidate
property to its default, EnableAllowFocusChange
and subscribing to the Control.Validating event:
private void textBox1_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text != String.Empty)
errorProvider1.SetError(sender as Control, "Can not be empty");
e.Cancel = true;
errorProvider1.SetError(sender as Control, "");
Using rules stored in the business object for this validation is a little more tricky since the Validating event is called before the focus changes and the data bound business object is updated.
Exceptions should not be thrown as a normal part of validation. Validation invoked from within business objects is a last line of defense, and should only happen if the UI fails to check something. As such they can be treated like any other runtime exception.
Note that here's a difference between defining validation rules and applying them. You might want to define (ie code or annotate) your business rules in your business logic layer but invoke them from the UI so that they can handled in a manner appropriate to that particular UI. The manner of handling will vary for different UI's, eg form based web-apps vs ajax web-apps. Exception-on-set validation offers very limited options for handling.
Many applications duplicate their validation rules, such as in javascript, domain object constraints and database constraints. Ideally this information will only be defined once, but implementing this can be challenge and requires lateral thinking.