I’ve been reading a few questions and answers regarding exceptions and their use. Seems to be a strong opinion that exceptions should be raised only for exception, unhandled
Your business objects should throw exceptions for bad inputs, but those exceptions should never be thrown in the course of a normal program run. I know that sounds contradictory, so I shall explain.
Each public method should validate its inputs, and throw "ArgumentException"s when they are incorrect. (And private methods should validate their inputs with "Debug.Assert()"s to ease development, but that's another story.) This rule about validating inputs to public methods (and properties, of course) is true for every layer of the application.
The requirements of the software interface should be spelled out in the interface documentation, of course, and it is the job of the calling code to make sure the arguments are correct and the exceptions will never be thrown, which means the UI needs to validate the inputs before handing them to the business object.
While the rules given above should almost never be broken, sometimes business object validation can be very complex, and that complexity shouldn't be foisted onto the UI. In that case it's good for the BO's interface to allow some leeway in what it accepts and then provide for an explicit Validate(out string[]) predicate to check the properties and give feedback on what needs to be changed. But notice in this case that there are still well-defined interface requirements and no exceptions need ever be thrown (assuming the calling code follows the rules).
Following this latter system, I almost never do early validation on property setters, since that soft-of complicates the use of the properties, (but in the case given in the question, I might). (As an aside, please don't prevent me from tabbing out of a field just because it has bad data in it. I get clausterphobic when I can't tab around a form! I'll go back and fix it in a minute, I promise! OK, I feel better now, sorry.)
Throwing an exception in your case is fine. You can consider the case a true exception because something is trying to set an integer to a string (for example). The business rules lack of knowledege of your views means that they should consider this case exceptonal and return that back to the view.
Whether or not you validate your input values before you send them through to the business layer is up to you, I think that as long as you follow the same standard throughout your application then you will end up with clean and readable code.
You could use the spring framework as specified above, just be careful as much of the linked document was indicating writing code that is not strongly typed, I.E. you may get errors at run time that you could not pick up at compile time. This is something I try to avoid as much as possible.
The way we do it here currently is that we take all the input values from the screen, bind them to a data model object and throw an exception if a value is in error.
If the input goes beyond the business rule implemented by the business object, I'd say it's a case not handled by the busines object. Therefore I'd throw an exception. Even though the setter would "handle" a 5 in your example, the business object won't.
For more complex combinations of input, a vaildation method is required though, or else you'll end up with quite complex validations scattered about all over the place.
In my opinion you'll have to decide which way to go depending on the complexity of the allowed/disallowed input.
Have you considered raising an event in the setter if the data is invalid? That would avoid the problem of throwing an exception and would eliminate the need to explicitly check the object for an "invalid" flag. You could even pass an argument indicating which field failed validation, to make it more reusable.
The handler for the event should be able to take care of putting focus back onto the appropriate control if needed, and it could contain any code needed to notify the user of the error. Also, you could simply decline to hook up the event handler and be free to ignore the validation failure if needed.
I'd definitely advocate both client and server-side validation (or validating at the various layers). This is especially important when communicating across physical tiers or processes, as the cost of throw exceptions becomes increasingly expensive. Also, the further down the chain you wait for validation, the more time is wasted.
As to use Exceptions or not for data validation. I think it's ok to use exception in process (though still not preferrable), but outside of process, call a method to validate the business object (eg before saving) and have the method return the success of the operation along with any validation errors. Errors arent' exceptional.
Microsoft throw exceptions from business objects when validation fails. At least, that's how the Enterprise Library's Validation Application Block works.
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators;
public class Customer
[StringLengthValidator(0, 20)]
public string CustomerName;
public Customer(string customerName)
this.CustomerName = customerName;
I tend to believe business objects should throw exceptions when passed values that violate its business rules. It however seems that winforms 2.0 data binding architecture assumes the opposite and so most people are rail-roaded into supporting this architecture.
I agree with shabbyrobe's last answer that business objects should be built to be usable and to work correctly in multiple environments and not just the winforms environment, e.g., the business object could be used in a SOA type web service, a command line interface, asp.net, etc. The object should behave correctly and protect itself from invalid data in all these cases.
An aspect that is often overlooked is also what happens in managing the collaborations between objects in 1-1, 1-n or n-n relationships, should these also accept the addition of invalid collaborators and just maintain a invalid state flag which should be checked or should it actively refuse to add invalid collaborations. I have to admit that I'm heavily influenced by the Streamlined Object Modeling (SOM) approach of Jill Nicola et al. But what else is logical.
The next thing is how to work with windows forms. I'm looking at creating a UI wrapper for the business objects for these scenarios.