I want to remove the EXIF information (including thumbnail, metadata, camera info... everything!) from JPEG files, but I don\'t want to recompress it, as recompressing the J
exiftool does the job for me, it's written in perl so should work for you on any o/s
usage :
exiftool -all= image.jpg
With imagemagick:
convert <input file> -strip <output file>
I'd propose jhead
man jhead
jhead -purejpg image.jpg
Only 123Kb on debian/ubuntu, does not re-compress. Note though that it mutates the image, so copy the original if you need it.
We used this to remove latitude data from TIFF file:
exiv2 mo -M"del Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude" IMG.TIF
where you can use exiv2 -pa IMG.TIF
to list all metadata.
If you already use jpegoptim you can use it to remove the exif, too.
jpegoptim -s *