I copy and pasted an git clone command from a web page: https://fedorahosted.org/ibus-typing-booster/
I got this:
user@host> git clone http://gi
My solution:
git clone
.git clone
.git clone
and https://...
.git clone
and https://...
have git clonehttps://...
.Use backspace to delete whatever there is between git clone
and the url
and then use spacebar to add a clean space between them. Simple as that.
if you are using windows use 'url' speech marks to open and close your url eg git clone 'your-url-here'
I used double quotes for the URL and it worked. So something like
git clone "http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/ibus-typing-booster.git"
works.. single quotes dont help. It has to be double quotes.
If you are using Git Extensions GUI or GitHub Desktop (means if you're using any UI software and not command-line tool) to clone the repo then you have to copy and paste only the URL i.e. https://... So there is no need to have git clone
before URL as That Software will do it itself.
in visual studio code option git:clone i tried every thing e.g putting 5 backspace, deleting the special Unicode character! and putting space nothing works for me
solution works for me
simply open git bash and paste the whole git clone url and done,
it seems there is some issue with visual studio code