I copy and pasted an git clone command from a web page: https://fedorahosted.org/ibus-typing-booster/
I got this:
user@host> git clone http://gi
Well looks like if you copy paste the repository link you end up with this issue.
What I have noticed it this
So I think it might be an issue with the GitHub copy button
You can also use a text editor:
clonning below :
git clone https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication.git
gives error:
Cloning into 'ZendSkeletonApplication'...
fatal: I don't handle protocol 'https'
Modified it to:
git clone https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication
works perfectly or you can just git clone the url. I am using os windows 10 and gitbash.
I simply added 5 "SPACE"s between clone
and the url
git clone https://<PATH>/<TO>/<GIT_REPO>.git
and it works!
Please Check URL you have pasted and It takes additional h after clone.
So either you have paste full git clone http://<URL>.git
or just remove additional letter before git repository URL.
Mostly it is due to some invisible unicode characters which can come if you hit "Ctrl+V" or "Ctrl+Shift+V" in the terminal. Don't copy and paste the whole command. Instead , type git clone and then copy and paste the url using Right Click + Paste.