Bootstrap modals don\'t work correctly on Android and iOS. The issue tracker acknowledges the problem but does not offer a working solution:
Modals in 2.0 are broke
Admittedly, I haven't tried any of the solutions listed above but I was (eventually) jumping for joy when I tried jschr's Bootstrap-modal project in Bootstrap 3 (linked to in the top answer). The js was giving me trouble so I abandoned it (maybe mine was a unique issue or it works fine for Bootstrap 2) but the CSS files on their own seem to do the trick in Android's native 2.3.4 browser.
In my case, I've resorted so far to using (sub-optimal) user-agent detection before using the overrides to allow expected behaviour in modern phones.
For example, if you wanted all Android phones ver 3.x and below only to use the full set of hacks you could add a class "oldPhoneModalNeeded" to the body after user agent detection using javascript and then modify jschr's Bootstrap-modal CSS properties to always have .oldPhoneModalNeeded as an ancestor.
Mainly Nexus 7 modal issue , modal was going down the screen
.modal:before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
height: 50%; (the value was 100% for center the modal)
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: -4px;
Gil's answer holds promise (the library he linked to) --- but for the time being, it still doesn't work when scrolled down on the mobile device.
I solved the issue for myself using just a snippet of CSS at the end of my CSS files:
@media (max-width: 767px) {
#content {
top: 5%;
The #content
selector is simply an id that wraps my html so I can override Bootstrap's specificity (set to your own id wrapping your modal html).
The downside: It's not centered vertically on the mobile devices.
The upside: It's visible, and on smaller devices, a reasonably sized modal will take up much of the screen, so the "non-centering" won't be as apparent.
When you're at low screen sizes with Bootstrap's responsive CSS, for devices with smaller screens, it sets's 'top' to 'auto'. For some reason the mobile webkit browsers seem to have a hard time with figuring out the vertical placement with the "auto" assignment. So just switch it back to a fixed value and it works great.
Since the modal is already set to postition: absolute, the value is relative to the viewport's height, not the document height, so it works no matter how long the page is or where you're scrolled to.
you can add this property globally in javascript:
if( navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i) ) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style'), styleSheet;
styleSheet = styleEl.sheet;
styleSheet.insertRule(".modal { position:absolute; bottom:auto; }", 0);
For me just $('[data-toggle="modal"]').click(function(){});
is working fine.
Found a very hacky solution to this problem, but it works. I added a class to the link that is used to open the modal (With the data-target), then using Jquery, added a click event to that class that gets the data-target, finds the modal it is supposed to open, and then opens it via Javascript. Works just fine for me. I also added a mobile check on mine so that it only runs on mobile, but that's not required.
$('.forceOpen').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('data-target');