Eclipse does not highlight matching variables for me:
I\'ve already tr
I just unchecked all, applied, checked all again, applied and it worked :) hopefully helps others.
I was having the same issue and the "make occurrences" and "annotations" solutions above did not help. If you are using Maven, I had to convert the project to a Maven project (right click on it in the Package Explorer and go down to configure), then build the project. Then the syntax coloring and highlighting worked correctly.
For others running into this without any of the above solutions working AND you have modified the default theme, you might want to check the highlight color for occurrences.
Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
Then select Occurrences in the Annotation Types, and change the Color Box to something other than your background color in your editor. You can also change the Highlight to a outline box by Checking "Text as" and selecting "Box" from the drop-down box (which is easier to see various syntax colors then with the highlights)
If highlighting is not working for large files, scalability mode has to be off. Properties / (c/c++) / Editor / Scalability
maybe because it not supports code highlights inside scriplets. not sure though.
You can try using one of the eclipse plugin like 'glance search' which works great. Here's a link for that-
Eclipse Toolbar > Windows > Preferences > General (Right side) > Editors (Right side) > Text Editors (Right side) > Annotations (Right side)
For Occurrences and Write Occurrences, make sure you DO have the 'Text as highlighted' option checked for all of them. See screenshot below: