What\'s the keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 to display the IntelliSense box if one accidentally hits ESC and w
Alt + Right Arrow and Alt + Numpad 6 (if Num Lock is disabled) are also possibilities.
Additionally, Ctrl + K, Ctrl + I shows you Quick info (handy inside parameters)
Ctrl+Shift+Space shows you parameter information.
Ctrl + Space
Ctrl + J
You can also go to menu Tools → Options → Environment → Keyboard and check what is assigned to these shortcuts. The command name should be Edit.CompleteWord
If you have arrived at this question because IntelliSense has stopped working properly and you are hoping to force it to show you what you need, then most likely none of these solutions are going to work.
Closing and restarting Visual Studio should fix the problem.