I know it\'s possible to start the iPhone maps application by calling openURL
on a google maps URL with parameters saddr
and daddr
For iOS6 Maps App, you can just use the same URL posted above
but instead of the Google maps URL, you use the url with maps://
resulting in the following URL: maps://saddr=%f,%f&daddr=%@.
Using 'Current Location' doesn't seem to work, so I stayed with the coordinates.
Antother good thing: It's backwards compatible: On iOS5, it launches the Google Maps app.
You can do this now in html just from a url on your mobile device only. Here's an example. The cool thing is if you turn this into a qr code you have a way of someone getting directions to you from wherever they are just by scanning it on their phone.
I answered this on a different thread. (Current Location doesn't work with Apple Maps IOS 6). You need to get the coordinates of the current location first, then use it to create the map url.
With the current version of Google Maps, simply omit the sadr
: … If the value is left blank, then the user’s current location will be used.
For iOS6 the apple docs recommend using the equivalent maps.apple.com URL Scheme
so use
instead of
to be backwards compatible the code would be
NSString* versionNum = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];
NSString *nativeMapScheme = @"maps.apple.com";
if ([versionNum compare:@"6.0" options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
nativeMapScheme = @"maps.google.com";
NSString* url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"http://%@/maps?saddr=%f,%f&daddr=%f,%f", nativeMapScheme
startCoordinate.latitude, startCoordinate.longitude,
endCoordinate.latitude, endCoordinate.longitude];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
there is a whole load of other supported parameters for the Apple Maps URL scheme : Apple URL Scheme Reference
you can use these iOS version detection macros if you have conditional code in other parts of your code. iOS version macros
My suggestion would be using OpenInGoogleMaps-iOS as this is an up to date choice (by November 2015), it supports cocoa pods installation and you are ready to go in a few clicks.
Install using: pod "OpenInGoogleMaps"
Require in header file using: #import "OpenInGoogleMapsController.h"
Sample code below:
/*In case the user does NOT have google maps, then apple maps shall open*/
[OpenInGoogleMapsController sharedInstance].fallbackStrategy = kGoogleMapsFallbackAppleMaps;
/*Set the coordinates*/
GoogleMapDefinition *definition = [[GoogleMapDefinition alloc] init];
CLLocationCoordinate2D metsovoMuseumCoords; //coordinates struct
metsovoMuseumCoords.latitude = 39.770598;
metsovoMuseumCoords.longitude = 21.183215;
definition.zoomLevel = 20;
definition.center = metsovoMuseumCoords; //this will be the center of the map
/*and here we open the map*/
[[OpenInGoogleMapsController sharedInstance] openMap:definition];