I am trying to have my github commits as an RSS feed but so far I have not managed to figure it out. I know that a private feed is available with the following syntax:
There is another alternative RssHub except the official atoms (first part).
GitHub provides some official RSS feeds officially:
Repo releases: https://github.com/:owner/:repo/releases.atom
Repo commits: https://github.com/:owner/:repo/commits.atom
User activities: https://github.com/:user.atom
Private feed: https://github.com/:user.private.atom?token=:secret (You can find Subscribe to your news feed in dashboard page after login)
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/repos/yanglr
Routing: /github/repos/:user
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/trending/daily/javascript
Routing: /github/trending/:since/:language?
Since (required): Time span, available in the Trending page URL, optional daily monthly
Language (optional)
Language, which can be found in the Trending page URL
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/issue/DIYgod/RSSHub
Routing: /github/issue/:user/:repo
User (required ): username
Repo (required ): repository name
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/pull/DIYgod/RSSHub
Routing: /github/pull/:user/:repo
User (required): username
Repo (required): repository name
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/user/followers/yanglr
Routing: /github/user/followers/:user
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/stars/yanglr/CaliburnMicro-Calculator
Routing: /github/stars/:user/:repo
User (required): username
Repo (required): repository name
Example: https://rsshub.app/github/search/RSSHub/bestmatch/desc
Routing: /github/search/:query/:sort?/:order?
Query (required): search keyword
Sort (optional): Sorting options (default is bestmatch)
Order (optional): Sort order, desc and asc (default desc descending)
Besides, you can use Feed43 to create feed for any web page if unnecessary to login with account. Official tutorial, click here to view.
You want https://github.com/whatever/commits/master.atom
, like for the Cloudera flume repository it's https://github.com/cloudera/flume/commits/master.atom