I am attempting to run gradlew from my command line, but am constantly facing the following error.
Brendas-MacBook-Pro:appx_android brendalogy$ ./gradlew com
on android folder cmd run
chmod +x gradlew
and run
./gradlew clean
and root project run
react-native run-android
I got the same error trying to execute flutter run on a mac. Apparently, in your flutter project, there is a file android/gradlew that is expected to be executable (and it wasn't). So in my case,
chmod a+rx android/gradlew
i used this command and execute the project
You could use "bash" before command:
bash ./gradlew compileDebug --stacktrace
With this step set permission to gradlew
steps {
echo 'Compile project'
sh "chmod +x gradlew"
sh "./gradlew clean build --no-daemon"
git update-index --chmod=+x gradlew
This command works better especially on non-unix system.
Try to set the execution flag on your gradlew file:
chmod +x gradlew