Is there a download function in jsFiddle, so you can download an HTML with the CSS, HTML and JS in one file, so you can run it without jsFiddle for debug purposes?
You can download using this package in node js,
then just use inspect element function of browser. you will get code in iframe tab. . in chrome just right click and cick on edit as html tab. and copy the html content. that is your actual code.
Adding /show does not present a pure source code, it's an embedded working example. To display it without any additional scripts, css and html, use:<fiddle id>/show/light/
An example:
Still no download functionality supported.. BUT.. you can use the jsfiddle-downloader node script.
npm install jsfiddle-downloader -g
To download a single fiddle from its id:
jsfiddle-downloader -i <fiddle-id> [-o <output file>]
To download a single fiddle from its url:
jsfiddle-downloader -l <url> [-o <output file>]
jsfiddle-downloader -l<user>/<fiddle-id>
jsfiddle-downloader -l<fiddle-id>
jsfiddle-downloader -l<user>/<fiddle-id>/show/ -o myfiddle.html
To download all scripts of a determinated 'user' from
jsfiddle-downloader -u <user> [-o <output file>]
It'll download all backups in the currrent directory, the jsFiddles scripts will be named as:
You have to put /show a after the URL you're working on:
For example:
for Field URL :
after that save the file and go to the show folder(or the file name you have saved with) under that folder u will get a html file show_resource.HTML .that is your actual open it in browser and view the source code. Best of luck--------Ujjwal Gupta
The best way is:
After that you can copy that code, and paste it in your computer.