When someone posts a link on facebook, a script usually scans that link for any images, and displays a quick thumbnail next to the post. For certain URLs though (including m
I've noticed that Facebook does not take thumbnails from websites if they start with https, is that maybe your case?
had the same problem and figured out that my head closing tag was in the wrong place
Actually, if you've already tried linking that page on Facebook BEFORE adding the "image_src" link, Facebook will keep using the old cached copy and not even see your changes. Try modifying the URL by removing or adding the 'www', or duplicate your page to test it.
Old question but recently I seemed to be running into same issue with thumbnail images from my link not showing in status updates on Facebook. I post for many clients and this is relatively new.
FB doesn't seem to like long URLs anymore — if you use a URL shortener such as goo.gl or bitly.com, the thumbnail from your link/post will appear in your FB update.
try this: http://www.ehow.com/how_4938148_thumbnail-show-up-facebook-share.html
Use the facebook lintter available here. http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/
This will check your link and re fetch any images. this also clears any old cache.
Or try this - https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug