I based my approach on the top answer (from dave4420), and tried to improve it by making it more general-purpose.
It returns a Map[String,String]
of all command line parameters
You can query this for the specific parameters you want (eg using .contains
) or convert the values into the types you want (eg using toInt
def argsToOptionMap(args:Array[String]):Map[String,String]= {
def nextOption(
map:Map[String, String]
) : Map[String, String] = {
val pattern = "--(\\w+)".r // Selects Arg from --Arg
val patternSwitch = "-(\\w+)".r // Selects Arg from -Arg
argList match {
case Nil => map
case pattern(opt) :: value :: tail => nextOption( tail, map ++ Map(opt->value) )
case patternSwitch(opt) :: tail => nextOption( tail, map ++ Map(opt->null) )
case string :: Nil => map ++ Map(string->null)
case option :: tail => {
println("Unknown option:"+option)
val args=Array("--testing1","testing1","-a","-b","--c","d","test2")
argsToOptionMap( args )
res0: Map[String,String] = Map(testing1 -> testing1, a -> null, b -> null, c -> d, test2 -> null)