This is what I cooked. It returns a tuple of a map and a list. List is for input, like input file names. Map is for switches/options.
val args = "--sw1 1 input_1 --sw2 --sw3 2 input_2 --sw4".split(" ")
val (options, inputs) = OptParser.parse(args)
will return
options: Map[Symbol,Any] = Map('sw1 -> 1, 'sw2 -> true, 'sw3 -> 2, 'sw4 -> true)
inputs: List[Symbol] = List('input_1, 'input_2)
Switches can be "--t" which x will be set to true, or "--x 10" which x will be set to "10". Everything else will end up in list.
object OptParser {
val map: Map[Symbol, Any] = Map()
val list: List[Symbol] = List()
def parse(args: Array[String]): (Map[Symbol, Any], List[Symbol]) = _parse(map, list, args.toList)
private [this] def _parse(map: Map[Symbol, Any], list: List[Symbol], args: List[String]): (Map[Symbol, Any], List[Symbol]) = {
args match {
case Nil => (map, list)
case arg :: value :: tail if (arg.startsWith("--") && !value.startsWith("--")) => _parse(map ++ Map(Symbol(arg.substring(2)) -> value), list, tail)
case arg :: tail if (arg.startsWith("--")) => _parse(map ++ Map(Symbol(arg.substring(2)) -> true), list, tail)
case opt :: tail => _parse(map, list :+ Symbol(opt), tail)