I have imported maven project in STS, when I run update update project I receive:
\"Updating Maven Project\". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4
I tried all the steps mentioned here and on similar questions but couldn't solve this problem. I could neither solve problem nor update my m2eclipse. So I installed Eclipse Luna and it solved my problem... though it mean that I had to spend about 45 min to configure all the environment in my workspace.
This issue (https://bugs.eclipse.org/394042) is fixed in m2e 1.5.0 which is available for Eclipse Kepler and Luna from this p2 repo :
If you also use m2e-wtp, you'll need to install m2e-wtp 1.1.0 as well :
Before importing the project, it should be converted into eclipse project mvn eclipse: eclipse Then i found the following error. An internal error occurred during: "Importing Maven projects".Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4
Where is the value kind = "var" that M2E does not recognize and therefore throws the error.
Now type this. mvn eclipse: clean
Now refresh the project in eclipse or re-import.