When is assembly faster than C?

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挽巷 2020-12-02 03:18

One of the stated reasons for knowing assembler is that, on occasion, it can be employed to write code that will be more performant than writing that code in a higher-level

  • 2020-12-02 04:00

    One of the more famous snippets of assembly is from Michael Abrash's texture mapping loop (expained in detail here):

    add edx,[DeltaVFrac] ; add in dVFrac
    sbb ebp,ebp ; store carry
    mov [edi],al ; write pixel n
    mov al,[esi] ; fetch pixel n+1
    add ecx,ebx ; add in dUFrac
    adc esi,[4*ebp + UVStepVCarry]; add in steps

    Nowadays most compilers express advanced CPU specific instructions as intrinsics, i.e., functions that get compiled down to the actual instruction. MS Visual C++ supports intrinsics for MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, and SSE4, so you have to worry less about dropping down to assembly to take advantage of platform specific instructions. Visual C++ can also take advantage of the actual architecture you are targetting with the appropriate /ARCH setting.

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  • 2020-12-02 04:01

    A few examples from my experience:

    • Access to instructions that are not accessible from C. For instance, many architectures (like x86-64, IA-64, DEC Alpha, and 64-bit MIPS or PowerPC) support a 64 bit by 64 bit multiplication producing a 128 bit result. GCC recently added an extension providing access to such instructions, but before that assembly was required. And access to this instruction can make a huge difference on 64-bit CPUs when implementing something like RSA - sometimes as much as a factor of 4 improvement in performance.

    • Access to CPU-specific flags. The one that has bitten me a lot is the carry flag; when doing a multiple-precision addition, if you don't have access to the CPU carry bit one must instead compare the result to see if it overflowed, which takes 3-5 more instructions per limb; and worse, which are quite serial in terms of data accesses, which kills performance on modern superscalar processors. When processing thousands of such integers in a row, being able to use addc is a huge win (there are superscalar issues with contention on the carry bit as well, but modern CPUs deal pretty well with it).

    • SIMD. Even autovectorizing compilers can only do relatively simple cases, so if you want good SIMD performance it's unfortunately often necessary to write the code directly. Of course you can use intrinsics instead of assembly but once you're at the intrinsics level you're basically writing assembly anyway, just using the compiler as a register allocator and (nominally) instruction scheduler. (I tend to use intrinsics for SIMD simply because the compiler can generate the function prologues and whatnot for me so I can use the same code on Linux, OS X, and Windows without having to deal with ABI issues like function calling conventions, but other than that the SSE intrinsics really aren't very nice - the Altivec ones seem better though I don't have much experience with them). As examples of things a (current day) vectorizing compiler can't figure out, read about bitslicing AES or SIMD error correction - one could imagine a compiler that could analyze algorithms and generate such code, but it feels to me like such a smart compiler is at least 30 years away from existing (at best).

    On the other hand, multicore machines and distributed systems have shifted many of the biggest performance wins in the other direction - get an extra 20% speedup writing your inner loops in assembly, or 300% by running them across multiple cores, or 10000% by running them across a cluster of machines. And of course high level optimizations (things like futures, memoization, etc) are often much easier to do in a higher level language like ML or Scala than C or asm, and often can provide a much bigger performance win. So, as always, there are tradeoffs to be made.

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  • 2020-12-02 04:03

    A use case which might not apply anymore but for your nerd pleasure: On the Amiga, the CPU and the graphics/audio chips would fight for accessing a certain area of RAM (the first 2MB of RAM to be specific). So when you had only 2MB RAM (or less), displaying complex graphics plus playing sound would kill the performance of the CPU.

    In assembler, you could interleave your code in such a clever way that the CPU would only try to access the RAM when the graphics/audio chips were busy internally (i.e. when the bus was free). So by reordering your instructions, clever use of the CPU cache, the bus timing, you could achieve some effects which were simply not possible using any higher level language because you had to time every command, even insert NOPs here and there to keep the various chips out of each others radar.

    Which is another reason why the NOP (No Operation - do nothing) instruction of the CPU can actually make your whole application run faster.

    [EDIT] Of course, the technique depends on a specific hardware setup. Which was the main reason why many Amiga games couldn't cope with faster CPUs: The timing of the instructions was off.

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  • 2020-12-02 04:03

    Tight loops, like when playing with images, since an image may cosist of millions of pixels. Sitting down and figuring out how to make best use of the limited number of processor registers can make a difference. Here's a real life sample:


    Then often processors have some esoteric instructions which are too specialized for a compiler to bother with, but on occasion an assembler programmer can make good use of them. Take the XLAT instruction for example. Really great if you need to do table look-ups in a loop and the table is limited to 256 bytes!

    Updated: Oh, just come to think of what's most crucial when we speak of loops in general: the compiler has often no clue on how many iterations that will be the common case! Only the programmer know that a loop will be iterated MANY times and that it therefore will be beneficial to prepare for the loop with some extra work, or if it will be iterated so few times that the set-up actually will take longer than the iterations expected.

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  • 2020-12-02 04:06

    In my job, there are three reasons for me to know and use assembly. In order of importance:

    1. Debugging - I often get library code that has bugs or incomplete documentation. I figure out what it's doing by stepping in at the assembly level. I have to do this about once a week. I also use it as a tool to debug problems in which my eyes don't spot the idiomatic error in C/C++/C#. Looking at the assembly gets past that.

    2. Optimizing - the compiler does fairly well in optimizing, but I play in a different ballpark than most. I write image processing code that usually starts with code that looks like this:

      for (int y=0; y < imageHeight; y++) {
          for (int x=0; x < imageWidth; x++) {
             // do something

      the "do something part" typically happens on the order of several million times (ie, between 3 and 30). By scraping cycles in that "do something" phase, the performance gains are hugely magnified. I don't usually start there - I usually start by writing the code to work first, then do my best to refactor the C to be naturally better (better algorithm, less load in the loop etc). I usually need to read assembly to see what's going on and rarely need to write it. I do this maybe every two or three months.

    3. doing something the language won't let me. These include - getting the processor architecture and specific processor features, accessing flags not in the CPU (man, I really wish C gave you access to the carry flag), etc. I do this maybe once a year or two years.

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  • 2020-12-02 04:07

    The simple answer... One who knows assembly well (aka has the reference beside him, and is taking advantage of every little processor cache and pipeline feature etc) is guaranteed to be capable of producing much faster code than any compiler.

    However the difference these days just doesn't matter in the typical application.

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