I would like some help to execute a foreach into my code.
I post multiple value into username : as username[0] = user1 , user2
but my foreach gi
Remove the '$value = $username_grab;' inside the foreach
foreach ($username_grab as $value){
// $value = $username_grab; This does not belong
If that doesn't help, can you show the code this POSTs from and do a
just after you set it
$companyname = $_POST['companyname'];
$username_grab = $_POST['username']; // This (based on your example) is a weird single index array - Array ( [0] => user1,user2 )
// $username = implode(",", $username_grab); // implode turns an array into a string using a delimiter
$usernames = explode(",", $username_grab[0]); // explode turns a string into an array by delimiter. The [0] index is for the post coming through as such
// $usernames should now look something like this. This is the array you will be working with
// Array ( [0] => user1, [1] => user2 )
foreach($usernames AS $value)
$sql = "select * from linked_user where username = '" . mysqli_escape_string($value) . "' and company_name = '" . mysqli_escape_string($companyname) . "'"; // SQL injection is a threat. Seperate issue to look into
$res = mysqli_query($conn,$value);
$cnt = 0; // Looking for multiple results. Counter for array
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res))
$returnValue[$cnt]['username'] = $row['username']; // Create a two dimensional array (multiple users. Each has their own index then
$returnValue[$cnt]['user_scid'] = $row['user_scid']; // Can replace the $cnt field with $row['userid'] (or whatever) if you have a primary key on the table i.e. $returnValue[$row['userid']]['username'] = $row['username'];
$cnt++; // Increase the counter for the next user
// $returnValue should now look something like this
// Array (
// [0] => Array (
// ['username'] => 'user1',
// ['user_scid'] => 'whateverthedbsaysforuser1'),
// [1] => Array (
// ['username'] => 'user2',
// ['user_scid'] => 'whateverthedbsaysforuser2'),
// )
echo json_encode($returnValue);
The task you are to perform is a prepared statement with a variable number of placeholders. This is simpler in PDO, but I'll show you the mysqli object-oriented style approach. No matter what, always print a json encoded array so that your receiving script knows what kind of data type to expect.
I had a snippet laying around that includes a full battery of diagnostics and error checking. I have not tested this script, but it has quite the resemblance to this post of mine.
if (empty($_POST['companyname']) || empty($_POST['username'])) { // perform any validations here before doing any other processing
$config = ['localhost', 'root', '', 'dbname']; // your connection credentials or use an include file
$values = array_merge([$_POST['companyname']], explode(',', $_POST['username'])); // create 1-dim array of dynamic length
$count = sizeof($values);
$placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, $count - 1, '?')); // -1 because companyname placeholder is manually written into query
$param_types = str_repeat('s', $count);
if (!$conn = new mysqli(...$config)) {
exit(json_encode("MySQL Connection Error: <b>Check config values</b>")); // $conn->connect_error
if (!$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT user_scid, user_scid FROM linked_user WHERE company_name = ? AND username IN ({$placeholders})")) {
exit(json_encode("MySQL Query Syntax Error: <b>Failed to prepare query</b>")); // $conn->error
if (!$stmt->bind_param($param_types, ...$values)) {
exit(json_encode("MySQL Query Syntax Error: <b>Failed to bind placeholders and data</b>")); // $stmt->error;
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
exit(json_encode("MySQL Query Syntax Error: <b>Execution of prepared statement failed.</b>")); // $stmt->error;
if (!$result = $stmt->get_result()) {
exit(json_encode("MySQL Query Syntax Error: <b>Get Result failed.</b>")); // $stmt->error;
If you don't want the bloat of all of those diagnostic conditions and comments, here is the bare bones equivalent which should perform identically:
if (empty($_POST['companyname']) || empty($_POST['username'])) {
$values = explode(',', $_POST['username']);
$values[] = $_POST['companyname'];
$count = count($values);
$placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, $count - 1, '?'));
$param_types = str_repeat('s', $count);
$conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'dbname');
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT user_scid, user_scid FROM linked_user WHERE username IN ({$placeholders}) AND company_name = ?");
$stmt->bind_param($param_types, ...$values);
$result = $stmt->get_result();