I\'m trying to use a prepared statement to call a stored procedure (using ADODB with classic ASP), but when I set CommandType I get the following error:
Here is how you call a stored procedure in ASP classic:
'Set the connection
'Set the command
DIM cmd
SET cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
SET cmd.ActiveConnection = Connection
'Set the record set
SET RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
'Prepare the stored procedure
cmd.CommandText = "procName"
cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
'Assign value to the parameter
cmd.Parameters("@ParamName ") = ParamValue
'Execute the stored procedure
RS = cmd.Execute
SET cmd = Nothing
'You can now access the record set
if (not RS.EOF) THEN
data = RS("column_name")
end if
'dispose your objects
SET RS = Nothing
SET Connection = Nothing
You want something like this (untested)
Dim cmd, rs, ars, conn
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With cmd
'Assuming passing connection string if passing ADODB.Connection object
'make sure you use Set .ActiveConnection = conn also conn.Open should
'have been already called.
.ActiveConnection = conn
'adCmdStoredProc is Constant value for 4 (include adovbs or
'set typelib in global.asa)
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "dbo.procName"
'Define parameters in ordinal order to avoid errors
Call .Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@ParamName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50))
'Set values using parameter friendly name
.Parameters("@ParamName").Value = param
'Are you returning a recordset?
Set rs = .Execute()
'Populate array with data from recordset
If Not rs.EOF Then ars = rs.GetRows()
Call rs.Close()
Set rs = Nothing
End With
Set cmd = Nothing
It is important to remember that the friendly name (as I rule I tend to match my parameter names in my stored procedure to my friendly names in ADO) you give your parameter means nothing to the stored procedure as ADO passes the parameters ordinally and nothing more, the fact you get the error;
Procedure or function 'procName' expects parameter '@ParamName', which was not supplied.
Suggests that the stored procedure is expecting your @ParamName parameter (defined in your stored procedure) value to be passed from ADO in a different ordinal position, which usually means you have not defined all your parameters or passed all the parameter values in the position they are expected.
You can also do a shortened version if your confident of your ordinal positioning and parameter requirements
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = conn
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "dbo.procName"
'Pass parameters as array following ordinal position.
Set rs = .Execute(, Array(param))
'Populate array with data from recordset
If Not rs.EOF Then ars = rs.GetRows()
Call rs.Close()
Set rs = Nothing
End With
Set cmd = Nothing
Working with a 2-dimensional array is easy and negates the overhead of working directly with a ADODB.Recordset.
Dim row, rows
If IsArray(ars) Then
rows = UBound(ars, 2)
For row = 0 To rows
Response.Write "First column from row " & row & " = " & ars(0, row) & "<br />"
Response.Write "No data to return"
End If
etc.) this will fix it for you.