I want to add data into the firestore database if the document ID doesn\'t already exists. What I\'ve tried so far:
// varuId == the ID that is set to the do
QuerySnapshot qs = await Firestore.instance.collection('posts').getDocuments();
qs.documents.forEach((DocumentSnapshot snap) {
snap.documentID == varuId;
getDocuments() fetches the documents for this query, you need to use that instead of document() which returns a DocumentReference with the provided path.
Querying firestore is async. You need to await its result, otherwise you will get Future, in this example Future<QuerySnapshot>
. Later on, I'm getting DocumentSnapshot
s from List<DocumentSnapshots>
(qs.documents), and for each snapshot, I check their documentID
with the varuId.
So the steps are, querying the firestore, await its result, loop over the results. Maybe you can call setState()
on a variable like isIdMatched
, and then use that in your if-else
Edit: @Doug Stevenson is right, this method is costly, slow and probably eat up the battery because we're fetching all the documents to check documentId. Maybe you can try this:
DocumentReference qs =
DocumentSnapshot snap = await qs.get();
print(snap.data == null ? 'notexists' : 'we have this doc')
The reason I'm doing null check on the data is, even if you put random strings inside document() method, it returns a document reference with that id.
To check if document exists in firestore. Trick use .exists
onValue.exists ? //exists : //not exist ;
Use the exists method on the snapshot:
final snapShot = await Firestore.instance.collection('posts').document("docID").get();
if (snapShot.exists){
//it exists
//not exists
You can get()
the document and use the exists
property on the snapshot to check whether the document exists or not.
An example:
final snapShot = await Firestore.instance
if (snapShot == null || !snapShot.exists) {
// Document with id == docId doesn't exist.