I tried use a string variable in R script to use through SQL statement for example:
SQL<- paste(\"select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where S
EDIT for windows
x = "PASS"
SQL<- paste0("select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where STATUS = ", shQuote(x, 'sh'))
Q1 <- dbGetQuery(con, SQL)
More generally shQuote
is useful for constructed things like:
paste0("SELECT * FROM urtable where urvar IN(", paste0(shQuote(LETTERS, 'sh'), collapse = ','), ")")
[1] "SELECT * FROM urtable where urvar IN('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')"
If you have simple character strings. For more complicated character strings other approaches maybe necessary. For example in PoSTgreSQL you can use Dollar-Quoted String Constants
to escape characters.
You dont mention what variant of SQL you are using or associated R package. Some R packages may have helper functions like postgresqlEscapeStrings
in RPostgreSQL
or dbEscapeStrings
Use glue_sql() from glue package.
x = "PASS"
glue_sql("select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where STATUS = {x}", .con = con)
see more examples here: https://glue.tidyverse.org/#glue_sql-makes-constructing-sql-statements-safe-and-easy
Try this:
x <- "PASS"
fn$dbGetQuery(con, "select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where STATUS = '$x' ")
This also works:
s <- fn$identity("select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where STATUS = '$x' ")
dbGetQuery(con, s)
Use sprintf
x <- "PASS"
sprintf("select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where STATUS = '%s'", x)
## [1] "select ID, NAME, STATUS from STUDENT where STATUS = 'PASS'"