This is not a homework, I am just curious.
INFINITE is the key word here.
I wish to use it as for p in primes()
. I believe that this is a built-
I wrote an article about an infinite primes generator some times ago:
It's in Italian but you may have a pesky translation using Google:
Do a segmented sieve, where the size of a segment is determined by available memory or the maximal size of a bitset.
For each segment represent the numbers in some interval [n; n + segment_size) as a bit set and sieve with all prime numbers below the square root of the upper bound.
Using a bit set uses less memory than a hash table or tree data structure, because you are working with dense sets of numbers.
Here's a pretty fast infinite generator, written in Python2 but easily adjusted to Python3. To use it to add the primes up to 10**9, use the following:
from itertools import takewhile
from functools import partial
from operator import gt
print (sum(takewhile(partial(gt, 10**9), prime_gen_inf())))
It's a segmented sieve, faster but obviously less elegant than Will Ness's algorithm.
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
def prod(x): return reduce(mul, x, 1)
def build_sieve(wheel):
w = prod(wheel)
w_phi = prod([p-1 for p in wheel])
rems = [a for a in range(w) if all(a % p for p in wheel)]
assert len(rems) == w_phi
inv = {a:pow(a, w_phi - 1, w) for a in rems}
known_p = wheel + rems[1 : rems.index(rems[1]*rems[1])]
except ValueError:
known_p = wheel + rems[1:]
return wheel, w, w_phi, rems, inv, known_p
#Adjust the chunk variable based on your computer's architecture.
#Adjust the line with #! if you don't need "true" infinite. If you don't need
#primes larger than 1<<32, use array('H', []), if 1<<64 use 'L', if 1<<128 (in
#Python3) use 'Q', otherwise use empty list [].
#To save memory, comment out the lines with #*, and uncomment the commented-out
import itertools
from itertools import islice, count, compress, izip
chain_f = itertools.chain.from_iterable
from array import array
def prime_gen_inf(chunk=250000, sieve_info = build_sieve([2,3,5,7])):
""" Indefinitely yields primes """
wheel, w, w_phi, rems, inv, known_p = sieve_info
for p in known_p: yield p
new_n = 0;
while True:
size = min(chunk, (p * p - new_n) / w)
sieve = bytearray([1]) * size * w_phi
n, new_n = new_n, new_n + size * w
if not n:
zero = bytearray([0])
seen = len(known_p) - len(wheel) + 1
sieve[:seen:1] = zero * seen
p_gen = islice(prime_gen_inf(), len(wheel), None)
new_p = next(p_gen)
ps = [] #! array('H', [])
p_invs = bytearray([]) #*
while new_p * new_p < new_n:
p_invs.append(inv[new_p % w]) #*
new_p = next(p_gen)
for p, p_inv, modp in izip(ps, p_invs, [-n % p for p in ps]): #*
s = [(modp + p * (p_inv * (r - modp) % w)) / w for r in rems] #*
#for p in ps:
# s = [(-n%p + p * (inv[p%w] * (r - -n%p) % w)) / w for r in rems]
for i, start in enumerate(s):
slice_size = ((size - start - 1) / p + 1)
sieve[i + start * w_phi :: p * w_phi] = zero * slice_size
for p in compress(chain_f(izip(*[count(n+r, w) for r in rems])), sieve):
yield p
Here's a generator that's a little truer to how it's done in Haskell: filtering against composites of known primes, then adding the remaining primes to the list.
def gen_primes():
primes = []
i = 2
while True:
prime = True
for p in primes:
if not (i % p):
prime = False
if prime:
yield i
i += 1
I know the post is old, but I came by myself across this question... The following code is based on a very simple idea: a growing sieve of Eratosthenes. This solution is really slower than the best ones here, but it is easy to grasp and designed to be readable...
I used integers to store the results of the sieve.
In binary format, an integer is a list of 0
s and 1
s, 0
at position i
if i
is not a prime, 1
if it may be a prime.
The requisite infinity is a result of the fact that Python 3 integers are unbounded.
def primes():
container, size = 1 << 2, 3 # we start with 0b100 (from right to left: 0 and 1 are not primes, 2 is
last_prime = 1
while True:
prime = next((j for j in range(last_prime+1, size) if container & 1 << j), None) # find the next prime
while not prime:
container, size = expand(container, size, 2**16) # add 65536 cells and sieve the container
prime = next((j for j in range(last_prime+1, size) if container & 1 << j), None)
yield prime
last_prime = prime
How to expand the container? Just add a bunch of 1
s at the left of the container (in binary format) and sieve them. This is
identical to the standard sieve, with a slight difference. In the standard sieve, if we find a prime i
, we start to cross the cells at i*i
, with a step of i
Here, this may have been done for the first part of container. We just need to start at the beginnig of the new part of the container if it is farther than
def expand(container, size, n):
new_size = size + n
container += (1 << (new_size + 1) - 1) - (1 << size) # add n 1's
for i in range(2, new_size):
if container & (1 << i): # i is a prime
t = sum(1 << j for j in range(max(i, size // i)*i, new_size, i)) # set 1 for all mutiple
container &= ~t # cross the cells
return container, new_size
Test for a million primes:
import itertools
assert 78498 == len(list(itertools.takewhile(lambda p: p<1000000, primes())))
This isn't originally my code, however, it's worth posting. The original can be found here:
def gen_primes():
D = {}
q = 2 # first integer to test for primality.
while True:
if q not in D:
# not marked composite, must be prime
yield q
#first multiple of q not already marked
D[q * q] = [q]
for p in D[q]:
D.setdefault(p + q, []).append(p)
# no longer need D[q], free memory
del D[q]
q += 1
It's a generator, so use it like any other.
primes = gen_primes()
for p in primes:
print p
It takes 1.62s to generate and put into a set, 1 million primes, on my desktop.