I have a bunch of data frames with varying degrees of length, ranging from approx. 15,000 to 500,000. For each of these data frames, I would like to split them up into smal
Something like the following may help
numBreaks <- nrow(DAT)%/%300 + 1
for( i in seq(numBreaks)){
smallDAT <- DAT[((i-1)*300+1):(min(nrow(DAT), i*300)), ]
I don't understand why a plyr solution is needed. split
works perfectly well and even hadley himself didn't suggest a plyr/reshape2 solution when he looked at the earlier question:
split(dfrm, (0:nrow(dfrm) %/% 300) # modulo division
Does produce a warning but since you were expecting a non-evenly divisible result you should ignore it.